Bad Night on the Refer.

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Well-Known Member
Jan 28, 2008
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Took about 8 hits or so, feeling good, then my heart started beating really fast, felt like time slowed down soo much, and I thought I was dying, finally went to sleep. Woke up, felt fine like I still had a little buzz, went to school, and my body was like numb, and I felt like I was dying again... Any thoughts?
your body is telling you that you shouldn't be smoking weed....
ya man just take it easy. When that happens to me its usually brewing a whitey :D

A similar thing happened to my boyfriend a few weeks back but we smoke a reasonable amount and usually we're both fine. The body reacts differently on different days to intake of anything. Just only take a few hits and see how it goes.
Something similiar happened to my friend over the weekend. She thought for sure she was dying, and made me take her to the ER.

She was diagnosed as having a panic attack.
FirstTimeGrow said:
Took about 8 hits or so, feeling good, then my heart started beating really fast, felt like time slowed down soo much, and I thought I was dying, finally went to sleep. Woke up, felt fine like I still had a little buzz, went to school, and my body was like numb, and I felt like I was dying again... Any thoughts?
what grade r u in?
Alos bro, are you on any other kind of medication or had you been drinking that day? Many aspects can alter the effect on the body. Take it easy and you'll be fine :)
OK Yo Ho and all that,

Here is something that apparently isn't being taught any longer.

1. You plan on a hoober, or a couple of bong hits, basically your out to kill pain, or you just have a desire to get stoned, OK- cool, I see no problem there, BUT what are you planning on while your blazed ?
The first mistake that I see so many making is that they do this in a setting where they might get caught, wrong move, it's almost gaurenteed to ruin a good time. You need to choose the setting carefully with a little bit of thought applied to it.

1a. Outdoors, = find a perch somewhere that you can stay at comfortably for most of the time your gonna be buzzed, set yourself up with a gnarly view of the distant landscape. Place yourself somewhere where if the cops were in the area you would see them coming from way off in the distance. Bring something to drink that will be refreshing to your body, and mouth. You should take along something to eat that is equally refreshing. I personally enjoy a big orange to peel and eat, remember to bring along some wipes in a small packet to wash your hands so you don't get all sticky from the juice.

1b. Indoors, = You might want to take a glance out of a window and check what direction the breeze is blowing. I mean think this through also, if a cop came cruising up the street would he smell your smoke right off ? If all is cool them plan your fun out. Gather some good eats, and refreshing fluids. make a comfortable spot to endure your couch lock, set up a good movie or two. I think a lot of the problem stems from being nervouse in the back of your head your thinking will this be the day I hear a knock at the door ?, Makes for a bad time really. What you want is safety, and great laughter, or to be able to mellow into some good music. You can do this easy enough for your friends to have a good time with you too.

2. In both situations be it indoor or outdoors remember to use standard operating procedures such as only take enough for your needs at that time. If you are looking at walking somewhere, or driving somewhere than consider rolling a hoober or two and put them into your top pocket of your shirt for fast and simple access if you should see that getting rousted is emminent. Yeah, it will be a bummer to have to play munchy-crunchy, but you'll feel better about it shortly, LOL The idea again is a safety issue, you can access your top pocket quick enough to get rid of the evidence.

Go easy starting up, and put it down often and wait to see how your going to get hammered. Think about it, you got some killer Aurora Indica that is going to slap you into tomorrow, and your going to be thinking that we are not in Kansas Toto, and this is some one hit stuff. Like a true dope you burn and bogart the whole hoober, so yeah your like a drunk that's three sheets into the wind. LOL you really didn't need to waste all that.

My brother brought back a beautiful bud for me from the islands, rolled a hoober and he marked it into thirds, I asked him what he was doing, and he said we would smoke it down to that first line. I laughed and said I would, and could smoke the entire hoober myself. He just said why ? So we smoked to the first line, and then set it down. whewwww I was so glad that we did go easy cause I got ripped nicely, and afterwards saw that my little brother had picked up some wisdom ya know.
It really is so much better to set up your fun, as well as the surroundings. Just plan out the fun. If your looking to kill pain, then take care of your bodies needs too.

smoke in peace
Nicely put KingK. Thanks for the reminder on the wipes. I always have sticky hands and face after assaulting oranges on a hiking trip.

Sounds like you like to enjoy the great outdoors with a hoober. I call that fun!

Every now and then, though, I get a funky reaction that I can't explain either. It makes me wish I hadn't smoked as much. I usually just smoke in moderation - and I enjoy it.
Thanks guys, I appreciate it..Someone told me it could've been wet weed aka pcp? idk much about drugs besides a basic understanding of MJ
FirstTimeGrow said:
Thanks guys, I appreciate it..Someone told me it could've been wet weed aka pcp? idk much about drugs besides a basic understanding of MJ

I ran across some that was looking dry but moist to the touch.
4 or 5 hits-heart pounding.
I stayed standing up-for some reason I was petrified of sitting down.This "panic attack" lasted for about 45 minutes
Which felt like an hour.

SmokinMom said:
Something similiar happened to my friend over the weekend. She thought for sure she was dying, and made me take her to the ER.

She was diagnosed as having a panic attack.

That is what I was thinking.
Thnaks KK for that, was a great read! Agree with you on all of that. We have to smoke in the great outdoors 90% of the time now due to circumstances but luckily i live in the country and love going outdoors on walks or cycling anyway, with joint or not lol

But yea you gotta love have a nice big hoober and looking out at a great view ;)
I have had probably two times that I can remember in which I had similar things happen. Once I was at a crowded concert my buddy and I burned one down pretty fast. All of sudden I looked around and it was so crowded I couldn't move. We were outside too so you can imagine how many people were there. Well I started getting this idea that I couldn't breathe because thee were so many people and they were taking my air lol. So i tell my buddy "hey we got to get away from all these people. So we are walking through these groups and get to a clearing and all of sudden my arms sweat for about 1 minute (I never sweat, let alone my arms when its only in the 60s outside) After that I was completely fine. Here's what I realize though. The instant you start to think thoughts of heavy breathing or a fast beating heart, is the moment it feels like it's happening. To get through it you really just have to clear your mind. Which is why the above is a great post. It's 100 percent mindset. So if that happens to me I just think "Hey Ive smoked this before and been ok, I'm ok now. I just take some deep breaths of fresh air you have to get outside if your indoors. It doesn't matter how hot or cold it is you just have to get outside and take some deep breaths and think positive. Just know that it will all be better usually within ten minutes. It's just that initial peak that can get you worrying sometimes.
This is my first post here, and I felt compelled to add my 2 cents.

I've had two incidents in my life where I got the "super panic" feeling after smoking a LOT of chronic, and I realised that it's all in my head, always! Granted, I never smoke somewhere "risky" (behind the police station for example, hah), but my point remains the same.

Someting I do if I start to feel a little panicky/scared, is just repeat to myself, "I'm really ok, everything is really fine, I'm just SUPER high." And then, just take some deep breaths, and focus on your breathing (correction, try to think about something like your breathing, because focusing is usually difficult, haha).

But yeah, I've been there. I've sat in a room for an hour feeling HORRIBLE for no reason, and apparently I was very pale as if in shock. But once my friends came in and made me participate in hanging out again, I was fine :)


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