Building Box

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Active Member
Jul 13, 2009
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What I'm looking at doing is stacking two Sterilite 92 Qt tubs on top of each other to make the housing. I will use a flat white for the inside of the tubs for my reflective surface. In the top I will mount 4 Halogen bulbs(W?), one per side and the bulbs will be encased in Plexi-Glass. For air circulation, I will use two 12" Computer fans, one mounted at the bottom for intake, and one mounted in the top of the other for out take and vented through a carbon filter. As for watering, I'm not entirely sure. Aqua Globes anyone? haha. Was thinking hydro but unsure. Watering by myself isn't a problem.


I have a Ph, light, and moisture meter as well. And I will be using Peat moss as a medium most likely. Water, distilled. For nutes, I've got some small sticks that I just put into the soil and it lasts for ~2 weeks.

Hello GR :)

High pressure sodium lamps emit at least seven times more light than halogen lamps.

Halogen lights are very poor lighting for MJ.

Is your PH/Light/Moisture meter the double pronged one that you poke into the soil?

Peat moss is too acidic.

You need specialist feeds not feed plugs.

Yes to the meter question. specialist feeds?

And my problem with lighting is size. It has to fit into the top of one of the containers and preferably only utilize the top 6-8 inches.

Plant foods have 3 main ingredients that will be the mainstay of the garden and your cannabis plants, Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Potassium. These 3 ingredients are usually listed on the front label of the plant food in the order of N-P-K. 20-20-20 plant food has a Nitrogen level of 20%.

Secondary nutrients are Calcium, Sulphur and Magnesium. In trace quantities, boron, copper, molybenum, zinc, iron, and manganese, all needed for good cannabis plants.

Specialist companies sell specialist MJ feeds.

I personally use Bio Bizz.


Others will pop in with their favourites.

You cannot use halogens lights to grow mj--you are going to have to go with another type of lighting. What are the dimensions of your totes? I would recommend T5 fluoroscents or a small HPS (like 150W) in a cool tube.

Buy soil and nutes formulated for mj--something like Fox Farms.

Your combo pH, moisture, light meter is, unfortunately, pretty much useless--they just do not work well.

I would encourage you to do some more reading to learn the type of lighting, soil, nutes, and growing environment that mj needs ;) .
I know the type of lighting and environment that are recomended. I have read quite a bit. The only reason I've suggested what I've suggested is for what I can fit into the small place I would be growing in. I am however re-thinking the size of space I'm going to use. I'm trying to put together something that is a good size and is collapseable so that I can take it with me or get it taken down quickly incase I need too. My home does however have two attic rooms that are hidden inside of closets however these access points are not currently readily available. But they can and will be.

I'm now contimplating more of a curtained wood frame. The inside will still be white, however I'm thinking of a vinyl like material. And the outside will be covered with a black tarp. The material attached via staples into the woodframe. The wood frames attached using a door hinge type connection, one corner with a bolt lock on it. I would love to be able to spend ~$300+ on lights if I had the money however I think I'm going to go with 4 125 watt flourescent garden lights(~60 lumens per watt) so 60 lumens x 125 watts= 7,500 lumens x 4 lights = 30,000 lumens. Better?
What you invest in 4x125watt CFLs. You could have a nice 250 for less most likely. Using less money in current while your at it.
I was actually just about to edit the post when you replied. I've been looking around and have found a 400 Watt HPS & MH Mini System for 239.95. The system comes with both a metal halide bulb and a HPS bulb so I cna use the same system for veg and flowering.
You might do better with a 250. With those little computer fans. Its going to be hot.
HTG I think has 150s for 70, and 250s for around or under 100.
I've had to rethink the whole thing. I may still do computer fans, but there will be more than two.

Change the xx to tt

HTGSupply is the company.

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