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Well-Known Member
Apr 27, 2008
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hello my name is moses i just had a question i was wondering if it would hurt the plant to cut the first two leaves that come out whene they sprout ? like prun them? they they already have a set of 5 leaves one the way . the reason i asked becouse they are looking a little yellow?
i like to give mine one trim when they r 3wks old for that one cut will have your baby grow in to a bush :p good luck
I would just let them fall off on thier own. It will not hurt them to leave it on.
how old is ur baby? if 3wks prun the top were 4 leaves meet..
their are about 2 weeks old but very very healthy and bushy i was very amazed
just wat i have on my profile i will havesome up tomorow! the reason i asked becouse the first two where getting a tad bit yellow and crisp at the edges
look forward to giving u the help i will check back and give u the help i can.
there iis "seldom" a need to pull any leaves off, slight yellowing is not one of them.. ;) if it falls off, remove it from the grow, otherwise, "leafe" them alone :p