can someone give me a little insight?

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Aug 21, 2008
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well i was at my sisters house and we were passing around the bowl, and my sister is a pretty heavy toker she probably needs like five or six good hits to get her going. So that's kind of how the night started out, there were five of us sitting around and they were all taking hits and i was trying to keep up with em. but after we cleared the last pass i figured i probably took seven hits in total and i was really getting blasted. But from what i can remember i got up fell down, got back up, sat in a big chair and just stared at the tv. Thats when i was getting really sweaty and the tv started going in and out of focus, and the last thing i remember is i fell asleep with a hamburger and half a salad in my i dont think i ever tripped like that before.

But what i really wanted to know was if anyone has ever found themselves getting really sweaty after getting really stoned.
ps, i dont like to be sweaty, so if anyone has any ideas.
haha lol thanks:cool:

but this was more like a cold sweat.
i think i should limit my hits, i think two to three is good for me.
Dont wear too many jumpers.......He he

Probbably you was paniking a little maybe as you have never felt that stoned before you got a little panicked....Try not to worry and just enjoy the buzzzzzz!!

Cannabis is a way of life not just a 1 day wonder
mrseandizzle420 said:
haha lol thanks:cool:

but this was more like a cold sweat.
i think i should limit my hits, i think two to three is good for me.

yep! no your limits ,,,,
but its nice to go that little bit further once in a while :D
my first time i paniked bad too.

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