cfl's are pointless

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Should use tempered. plain glass will get brittle over time.
hello everyone i saw this thread and i had to read it so i did and i have seen some interesting conments on this thread so i thought i would put my two cents in too....I am a firm believer in CFLs i finished my first grow ever at the first on the year i had three plants to start and when i put them into flower i had two females out of the three so to get to the point i flowered two plants with about 11000 lumens in 2 sqft of box i got 38 grams dry from one plant and 45 grams dry off the other plant so to say well over two oz with two plants.... i love cfls and i am growing again with them if u pack the lumens on them you will be happy either way... sorry for the long reply hope everyone doesnt mind...........
no this is what the sites for...ppl's input..thanks for sharing.. i have my eye on this fourm
stoner 420 said:
hello everyone i saw this thread and i had to read it so i did and i have seen some interesting conments on this thread so i thought i would put my two cents in too....I am a firm believer in CFLs i finished my first grow ever at the first on the year i had three plants to start and when i put them into flower i had two females out of the three so to get to the point i flowered two plants with about 11000 lumens in 2 sqft of box i got 38 grams dry from one plant and 45 grams dry off the other plant so to say well over two oz with two plants.... i love cfls and i am growing again with them if u pack the lumens on them you will be happy either way... sorry for the long reply hope everyone doesnt mind...........

How many watts did it take you to get that many lumens? And what's the heat like? Did you go with many small ones or large ones? Or mixture?
booradley said:
How many watts did it take you to get that many lumens? And what's the heat like? Did you go with many small ones or large ones? Or mixture?

1-BULB a 125w 6400K is plenty lumens, 6500 initial lumens to be exact...Plenty to veg one plant...http://www.plantlightinghydroponics...ase-compact-fluorescent-grow-lamp-p-2005.html

You can see what I have done with one bulb on one plant in 30 days right here...

Now, I do not plan on flowering with them but I know they would do the job...The yield would not be quite what a 600 watt HPS would do but it would work!
booradley said:
HUGE difference! Without the glass heat is radiating from the bulb in all directions. With the glass it all is forced up and out of my box. You probably need special glass, but I don't know for certain.

One does not need glass for CFL's because the heat is not anything compared to a HPS bulb of any wattage...It is simple physics, an arc tube verses electrically charged gas, there is no comparison hps give off 10 times the heat watt for watt than a CFL's.

I can wrap my hand around a 125 watt CFL, would you wrap your hand around a 70watt HPS? OUCH!

sorry about the broken post I am having difficulties after tokin on a bowl! LOL!
Viracocha711 said:
1-BULB a 125w 6400K is plenty lumens, 6500 initial lumens to be exact...Plenty to veg one plant...

You can see what I have done with one bulb on one plant in 30 days right here...

Now, I do not plan on flowering with them but I know they would do the job...The yield would not be quite what a 600 watt HPS would do but it would work!

Take a bit more than one of those to hit 11,000 lumnes. :) It costs 50 to replace though and if you're going to get a flowering version, that's another $50 plus a reflector and you've just spent more than I did on my 150 HPS!
Viracocha711 said:
One does not need glass for CFL's because the heat is not anything compared to a HPS bulb of any wattage...It is simple physics, an arc tube verses electrically charged gas, there is no comparison hps give off 10 times the heat watt for watt than a CFL's.

I can wrap my hand around a 125 watt CFL, would you wrap your hand around a 70watt HPS? OUCH!

sorry about the broken post I am having difficulties after tokin on a bowl! LOL!

I was talking about a hps lamp.
Viracocha711 said:
One does not need glass for CFL's because the heat is not anything compared to a HPS bulb of any wattage...It is simple physics, an arc tube verses electrically charged gas, there is no comparison hps give off 10 times the heat watt for watt than a CFL's.

I can wrap my hand around a 125 watt CFL, would you wrap your hand around a 70watt HPS? OUCH!

sorry about the broken post I am having difficulties after tokin on a bowl! LOL!

In any case, you still need vents when running CFL of some sort. I used 'passive' vents before I moved to my HPS. With a $10 duct and a fan from an old computer my grow box is actually cooler than before. Of course I realize that not everyone can easily vent their box. But my vent space is actually smaller than my grow space and partly enclosed. My cab is a sterlite box in a closet with a sliding door. The fact that my closet has a sliding door probably helps since it doesnt' exactly prevent air exchange with the room outside as much as a real door would.
maineharvest said:
I was talking about a hps lamp.

No NO NO...I am sorry, I think you misunderstood the point I was making to booradley about the heat from a HPS bulb versus CFL...I was saying the heat from a HPS is so very bad compared to a CFL bulb a sheet of glass is needed between the hps lightbulb and their plants to reduce the heat.

...Ya see my point?
I figured you were talking in comparison... However the compact HPS units come with glass (usually). And with the enclosed ballest and bulb, the heat is very easy to vent, and the entire unit never gets too hot to touch (not the bulb obviously) but the bulb is completly enclosed.
This is the truth about CFL's:

CFL's are effective, energy-saving, reliable, low heat generating horticultural grow lamps, giving excellent results and lower operating costs for all indoor growers.

Plants need light in the correct spectrum, which is proven to be between 400 & 700 Nana Wave, and Envirolites produce high output light in exactly this spectrum. There is no wasted light, unlike HID and HPS lamps were much of the light cannot even be seen or used by the pl give 100% PAR (Photosynthetically Active Radiation) high output light and are used successfully for all propagation, vegetative or flowering stages.

CFL's do not generate excessive heat and can be used directly over plants. This is the secret of growing with CFL's, positioned directly above, just 3 cm or 4 cm, the top of the plants! Unlike HID lamps, this new generation, grow lamps will not burn your plants.

This is a real advantage compared to growing with HID lamps, as there is no wasted light, which occurs when HID lamps are positioned high above plants. Envirolites give 100 % PAR, correct spectrum, high lumen light directly on top of your plants - where they need it!

• Self Ballasting Lamps - simple to install or wire

• 100 % PAR in the correct spectrum for growing

• Generates much less heat than HID Lamps

• Energy saving lamps give lower operating costs

• High Lumen Output ~ Long Life Operation

* 125w and 200w Envirolites are available in 2 models:

* 6400K for Propagation & vegetative growing

* 2700K for Flowering stage growing
Not arguing that CFLs are not capable of growing with some really good results, but in my personal experience what you're saying isn't 100% accurate. I was constantly burning my girls while under a 200 watt CFL. And I can get within a centimeter of the glass on my HPS without burning my plants. Of course that means about 2" from bulb. I grew with CFLs for years, but I was never happy with the results. I admit I am a lazy grower and that probably has a lot to do with it. :bongin: ya know how it is... rather be smokin'!

Also, those monster floros are so expensive and when you have to adjust them nearly every day or even more, you increase the risk of damaging or breaking. And if we asked for a show of hands of those who garden stoned, I'm sure we'd have more than a few!
Capone said:
no cfls all the way !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Gee and I thought you did use CFLs.:hubba:

This is sort of like the panda that eats, shoots and leaves. One missing coma and you have a whole different meaning! :doh:

Sorry. Former English teacher here...
Well, so far this has been a no win aurgument.
Lets see what we can gather from this...

1. PAR is for plants...lumens for humans (wow OG FAQ hit that right on the head. ;) )

2. Flos are great for those that can't do HID.

3. Some use a HID better. Others have better luck with CFL's

4. Spectrum matters (AKA PAR)

5. no-one can agree on this subject.

6. this is hitting a redundance level.

7. High output flos are wonderful

8. low watt HID's are wonderful.

9. It all comes down to what works for each person.

Well that sums it up.
I won't close the thread, but think that they are not pointless, but not the best depends on the grower. ;) enough said IMO
booradley said:
Gee and I thought you did use CFLs.:hubba:

This is sort of like the panda that eats, shoots and leaves. One missing coma and you have a whole different meaning! :doh:

Sorry. Former English teacher here...

What are you talking about dude?
booradley said:
This is sort of like the panda that eats, shoots and leaves. One missing coma and you have a whole different meaning! :doh:
Sorry. Former English teacher here...

i didnt do well with teachers .... hahahha
Capone said:

What are you talking about dude?

Sorry. Was making fun of the fact that without a coma, or something, your statement goes from "No! Use CFLs all the way!" To "No I don't use CFLs at all." Unless, of coruse, that is what you meant all along. Course, I ain't perfect either. (But notice the correct usage of "ain't?" :)

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