CO2 Question

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Well-Known Member
Feb 15, 2009
Reaction score
I'm looking at adding CO2 to my closet and I'm trying to get an idea of how big a bottle I should get. My closet is only about 3' x 6' and I'm burning two 400w HPS lights. Any idea how quick I'll go through a 20lb bottle of CO2? I can't decide if I should get a 20lb or maybe go smaller (and cheaper) and then maybe upgrade later.
you have the controller to run this. you need a controller that will tie in your exhaust,lights,dehumidifiier ,heater/a/c you also need a damper that opens elctronicly when exhaust is on and a ppm meter to tell you what you are runnin.i just bought all my equip to do co2 the right way. your lookin at 1800 plus for the setup.if you dont do it right its a waste of money. room also has to be air tight and temps on the high side to take all the co2. you can not slap a bottle with timer and expect results
So... how long do you think a 20lb bottle will last me? That was my original question you know...

Besides, one could argue that if you are going to all that expense a CO2 generator is "the right way"
3-6 months but thats a guess like i said coplete waste if you dont have the proper equip
A 20lb bottle will not last long if your room is not sealed properly.

There are places, circumstances, and personal choice that seems to always dictate what is "the right way" with all individual grow room set ups.
My room is sealed and my lights are air cooled by a completely segregated cooling system
blackwind said:
My room is sealed and my lights are air cooled by a completely segregated cooling system

Well if that is the case maybe should do it the right way and get a co2 generator.

To many variables to give a correct answer but dr pyro estimate seems to be the best guess
like i said its a guess i have a formula that takes cubic ft and gives you a est cubic ft amount need to fill room in say 15 min by a normal timer. then vent room at top of hr but getting timers in sinq is a pia and they always mess up beleive it or not. thats why i went with controllers and ppm meter ,generator etc. you'll see with time. let me find the calc. i think there is one on web too

change xx to tt
now how many cubic ft are in your cylinder? now if you inject a half cubic ft in 15 min you need to figure out how many injections you do a day based on you rlight so 18 hrs light you would inject 9 cubic ft. then take your cubic ft on cylinder divide by 9 and should give you approx day. but all this diffrent from what you may use its just an explaination on how to get your number of days
this is better
Thanks Dr Pyro, that's exactly what I needed.

By the way, I went ahead and bought a 20lb tank yesterday.
Here's a couple shots so you know what I'm up to.


Nice looking grow bro.... I used CO2 years ago with 20lb tanks in a 2 x 4 x 8 closet and tanks last several months... I think tanks are only practical in small setups and yours sounds tailor made for CO2... I stopped using CO2 after getting too much explosive growth in my closet and have found that if I push enuf fresh air into my closet my plants have a grow rate that's more suits my style for the tight space but CO2 sure does work great... Do get the tanks filled at a welding supply place? I was always a bit paranoid hauling tanks in and out of my pad... I used to put them in trash bags... lol...

Happy Growing!:cool:
Thanks, Dirtyolsouth. I built the closet with the intention of adding CO2. My ultimate goal is three small scrogs of two plants each three weeks apart. I'm in a medical state and I'm allowed to have 6 plants in veg and 6 in flower. I really want to maximize my harvest and take down a fair amount every three weeks. I appreciate your opinion that CO2 works great. I'm looking forward to some explosive growth. :)

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