Covert Operations

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Dec 22, 2007
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Hey everybody! I couldn't find any threads like this so I hope I'm not repeating an old one...

What are some of your cloak and dagger tricks?

I use a false name at the nursery, pretend to be a science student while in home improvement stores, and like to pay for everything with cash, or a pre-paid credit card!! :hubba: I drive as many different cars to the same businesses, and have a 'character' for each car. I also alternate hats, facial hair, glasses, and style of dress. (Dress pants, shoes, tie, and my wife sent me here, but I don't know where I'm supposed to find ____)

I grow for fun BTW, this is all part of my hobby!!
I too dont try to hide anything other than my grow. I suppose I could be more discreet insofar as using the credit card, my own identity, mailing address etc., but I dont worry about it much out here in the sticks. By growing 1 plant at a time I hope to limit my risks.

Dont tell, Dont Sell. Stay Small, Stay Secret, Stay Safe.
damn you sound like me. I use all that. guy at the hydroponics store always gives me catalogs for growing peppers. I use 4 different hydro stores, in a couple of states. use different cars, names, persona. always use cash. I've had people actually ask me about growing mj in store and i went to the owner and said what's with this guy. i took acting lessons when i was 14, so i've always been into disguises. i use fake ids, i even have more than one ss#. started doing different id when i went to high school. i had a younger brother who died and i used his id to keep from going to vietnam. it just grew from there.
umbra said:
ss#. started doing different id when i went to high school. i had a younger brother who died and i used his id to keep from going to vietnam. it just grew from there.
i hate people who steal peoples identity. hope you just took your bro's really.
Sometimes the lady's ask what i need "all the things I buy" i say i have to grow my medicine. **** the cops even have seen them growing when they stopped by, gotta love california.
Umbra, glad to know I'm not alone. I wish I could be more casual about it, but I have family in politics and law enforcement, and living in the sticks only makes things worse (everyone knows everything about everyone else) I figure if 2 people who know 2 different personas ever have a discussion about it, it'll just add to the confusion/mystery.

Puffin Afatty said:
Dont tell, Dont Sell. Stay Small, Stay Secret, Stay Safe.

Haven't heard anyone say it better!!
Sorry mang but i always go as myself. I'm one of those people who tell you to mind you own buisness if ya know what i mean. ;)

Yeah me too, except I take my suit off....I'm Superman, really...they know not to bring any of that Kryptonite crap up with me...:D
benamucc said:
Umbra, glad to know I'm not alone. I wish I could be more casual about it, but I have family in politics and law enforcement, and living in the sticks only makes things worse (everyone knows everything about everyone else) I figure if 2 people who know 2 different personas ever have a discussion about it, it'll just add to the confusion/mystery.

Haven't heard anyone say it better!!

I have different reasons for my cloak and dagger approach. I live in a state where mj is frowned on very heavily, and my job is...sensitive. If anyone knew my career would be over.
i say if they work at a hydroponics store they should know what to expect wont do anything cause they only want your money.. I dont think their gonna snitch on their own customers
I sneak around in the dark and do things that police would prefer I didn't...

I call them Black Op's. I started doing these when I was still in the service...and we wanted to sneak into areas of the various bases we were in to "Test the security" when in reality I just loved the thrill of evasion, deception, camoflauge and distraction.

...guess the inner drive for a career in Spec War never died.

As far as Identity goes...I am a different person every day on the OUTSIDE.

Never used:



I grow for profit to pay my rent. I sell to patients only that I know on a personal rouges or loose cannons. I sell at a unbelievably fair price and have many happy "Customers"(?)...but do you think they know my real name?


I am trying my best to rob the rich blind for a change...suckers.
ctrain18 said:
i say if they work at a hydroponics store they should know what to expect wont do anything cause they only want your money.. I dont think their gonna snitch on their own customers

Yeah, it's not a great business model to alienate 90% of your customer base. All it takes is one bust linked to information coming from a hydro store and I would assume that the business would die fairly quickly after that...
haha yeah.. where Im from (vancouver) the hydoponics store I get my stuff from sells bongs and pipes too so I think they know whats up

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