Do Animals Smoke???

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Victimless Criminal
Jan 22, 2009
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Well, I saw the post for everyone to show pics of there animals. Cool idea. I love animals. I think a large % of people that smoke also love animals and probably own one. I used to own a pure breed dalmation...Pearl. She was my "dog"...indoor so i spent a lot of time with her. I smoked alot with her chillin at my side and ill admit everyonce in a while id get the urge to blow a couple hitz her way to share the wealth. I was just wondering other peoples opinions on that. Is it wrong lol

I miss that b*tch
yeah DUB i would say that it was big time wrong. :mad:
its not as if animals can speak. and voice there opinion to say "no thanks i dont fancy having a blast of smoke blew in my face today"!
thats just my opinion tho.
but i know the rest of the people on here love their pets too. and would never think off dion such a thing.
but hey they can speak for themselves :rolleyes:
I've seen some folks around here say how much their animals love mj smoke. The dogs get right up there when they are toking. I would say that those animals do seem to enjoy it.

The animals who don't want to be there, and always run off, I would guess they don't like it.

Forcing it on an animal is cruel...unless they truely enjoy it. This is my opinion. I don't blow smoke in my 2 dogs faces, but they don't seem to hang out near me when I am smoking.

I keep the mj for me. :D
I am by far not a cat person, but my close friend. she saved a cat. Lived with a bunch of college peeps. The poor cat still ain't right. We can tell the cat was givin a lot more than just smoke. I love this cat tho. LOL but can tell damage has been done :( diabetic at that too. She's scared of people (except me and the owner...dunno why i hate cats and they tend to stay clear of me) but curls up on my lap whenever i'm around. The cat acts very odd, probably couldn't make it on its own. Spaced out and walks into things but can see fine. The cat is like high ALL the time. :confused:
I'd say no...leave the animal alone. Only mankind has the desire to smoke. Animals tend to not like fire or smoke...there first instinct is to move away becuase it meant danger.
Pets can get benificial aid as much as humans can.

Doing it for fun is wrong.

When I was a teen I heard a story about blowing smoke on a budgie and it would hang upside down, so I tried it, it scared the crud out of me because it did exactly as I was told.

I stood there 20 mins staring in silence as I watched a budgie hanging upside down on its perch and then suddenly fall off and lay stiff as a stick on the cage floor.

(stop laughing)

It wasnt my budgie :rofl:

It came back to normal after 5 mins, but still scared the pants off me thinking I had killed it :eek:


my ex has this cat that will come into the room as SOON as the smell gets to her.Once in the room the cat will follow the herb around and when you x-hail she goes out of her way to get "in the mix".Once she has recieved her fix,off she goes.
LOL....i guess it depends on the animal. For the record let me say that forcing smoke into ur animal or getting them to take drugs is f'ed up and not funny. But some animals seem to not mind a contact buzzz. And Y short and theirs is shorter.
I seen something on Animal Planet where this one monkey/cat looking animal would actually find this huge centipede bug and would just bite at it until it sprayed out this substance which made the monkey very intoxicated. Then he would drop the bug without ever harming it. Me and my girl could not stop laughing because that weird looking animal was absolutely intentionally getting f'ed up.
my organic, self resetting mousetrap (read c-a-t) will eat a joint if he can find it. the german shepard prefers rumcake.
I have heard of a cat eating someones grow.

My mates dog will sit on your lap when you light up and stick his head up as your exhale, my god we thought that was the funniest thing ever. We called the dog to follow us to the other room and it looked at us for 20 seconds as we called then sat.

But to force it upon an animal (or anybody) is wrong as mentioned many times. If it does it itself then you've got yourself a nice smoking partner that won't hog :)

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