Does Marijuana make you self-consious or is it just me?

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Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2008
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I would say most of the time, even around my girlfriend i get self-consious and second guess my self constantly if my voice sounded weird when i say something, or if i said the right thing, and even if what i'm wearing is ok. Does anyone else go through this when they're high?
Also, marijuana like other psychedelic drugs, tends to amplify our emotions, happy, sad, or otherwise. Plus, if you're normally somewhat self-conscious, smoking might bring out that aspect of your personality.
Alistair Young said:
Also, marijuana like other psychedelic drugs, tends to amplify our emotions, happy, sad, or otherwise. Plus, if you're normally somewhat self-conscious, smoking might bring out that aspect of your personality.

Very true Alistair,which is why cannabis is not an escapist drug,you can't run away from your problems by smoking,as pot will just amplify any thought or feeling about a given situation.

Jeffca mate,have you tried to smoke strains that are more indica dominant,as the sativa influence in crosses can make you hyper aware of your surroundings,make your heart beat faster.

I grew some Super Silver Haze and before a cure it really had too much of an edge to it,made you feel really spooky but as I say there are indica dominant strains,more sedative in effect and less likely to make you feel anxious.

At the extreme end of these effects are full blown panic attacks which make the person think they are actually dying and I had to take a youngster at an album launch party years ago to hospital as he got so freaked after a joint(we had to hold him down)that he got hysterical blindness!

His heart was like a jackhammer and we had to babytalk him,or rather reassure him things will be ok.

Got him to hospital and I got them to give him 5ml valium pronto after explaining things and within half an hour the guy was back to earth.

Pot can make you feel a bit edgy so it is a case of finding,or rather growing
the strongly indica dom varieties but do temper that with the fact that there are pure sativa's and sativa hybrids that are totally non anxiety,strains like ACE Seeds Bangi Haze and Nepalese Jam.I've grown them both and they are both a sublime laid back smoke,no all!:)

What pot are you smoking may I ask jeffca and does this happen with all bud you chong on?
oh wow. all these years i always wondered why it was i kept thinkin if people were talkin bout me wat they were think of me etc.. when i was hi.
crazy man ya not alone i too am this same way. yes even round my girlfriend. also any type settin round more than 2 people. especially if it someone i dont know and i'm hi round them i sorta have a mini freak out panic episode inside my brain. i am famous for when like i was a teenager me an friends would go somewhere an get hi and when we'd get round some people i never met before or if we were in someone else's house i never been in gettin hi, i'm famous for just gettin up an leavin without a trace an when i'd get back in my car or walkin down roa or watever i'd be 100% fine. i am definately not a people person when i get hi. NO WAY.
but if i smoke the same stuff that gets me this way around people an i'm at home alone or out the lake fishin/campin all out in middle of no where i just simply love it. im able to enjoy my intense cerebral hi. but thats bout the only way.
My brother once got too stoned and he was paranoid and panicky. So, I faked a call to the emergency room and pretended to ask the ER people if he'd be OK. My brother listened to my half of the imaginary conversation as I repeated their reassuring advice. By the time I hung up the phone my brother had calmed down. It wasn't until later on that week that I told him that I had faked the phone call.
Niki, for some reason I believe people get paranoid when there's people around who don't puff, because perhaps, we think they know we're high. It shouldn't matter, but it bothers some of us. I guess we think they don't approve.

It all depends on personality. I know people who are very comfortable being stoned, with bloodshot eyes in public. I put eye drops in my eyes, and I know that no one knows. Unless, of course I eat 2.2 grams of killer weed in an FNG Firecracker (graham cracker with peanut butter and weed) and find myself unable to speak properly. Even then, I don't care much anymore like I used to.
carry a bottle of clear eyes, i found facing others with nice white eyes goes alot better when your stoned , but then i learned along time ago who cares what others think of me deal with it or leave my air space :D
Sometimes I find it helpful and interesting to analyze a scary situation as it is going down. That is to say, you detach yourself from the situation and make observations through the eyes of an outsider. You might say to yourself, "Marijuana sure does bring out the fear in me sometimes. There's no reason for me to care what this person thinks of me. She probably tokes herself. I think she's feeling sorry for me because I'm so messed up and can't speak. This difficult situation will soon be over and I won't care anyway".

Or I might notice as I'm talking to the pharmacist the strong dissociative effect of the pot, and wonder how it is that I'm able to listen to him, understand his complicated instructions, while his assistant babbles between his orations the same info he'd just related to me, and still, somehow, manage to elicit a few intelligible words of discourse myself.

Yeah, weed can be scary at times, but it's nice to know that it's relatively safe. We'll return to normal when all is said and done.
flat out i just hate gettin that hi man. unless im at like say river or home wit one good buddy maybe two or even alone. hell i smoke alone 90% of the time anyway and i am awesome mentally. but when im round bunch people when i stoned i start buggin.
and when im sober and im in calm familiar setting and alone or just chillaxin, i go completely nuts. lol i get so wound up like a toy ready to blow. :) i always have this urge to to just fidget liek crazy. chain smoke stutter even. lol cant think strait cant even do most things strait. leave things unfinished give up on started tasks, etc etc
but when im hi im all fine. honest. i knwo thats not no placebo man. it is theraputic VERY for me. only some of us who may be slightly off balance in mind normally we kinda need to get to know ourselves. like allistar said start analyzin a situation when u panic or freak out. it does work for the most part. but atthe same time when i do that i find my self sobering up at an alarming rate suddenly. not to just comfy buzz level but total sober it seems.
just gotta know ya dose and ya limits yada yada.
but yet even still im so often confronted wit the situation where i aint been hi in day or two an wantin a smoke and a friend drops by or i visit someone an we do one up an i either get the, "oh come on man finish this wit me. " no man i'm good". "oh come on woosy," and i end up sayin hell wit it and smoke til gone an holy hell im trashed an that usually when an only when i tend to get like this panicky bit.
hence why i rather be alone an smoke lol
who did i just right a novel. just fell into a groove :)
You guys are funny as hell. I was always to busy partying and laughing my *** off to get Paranoid.Didnt much givashit what my girlfriend thought.:D
I have had some buddies freak the hell out though.Thought they were dying. I fed them milk and crackers untill they calmed down,,course I was laughing at them the whole time.
Smoke a joint and turn up Pink Floyd, you will forget all yur troubles.;)
For Twenty said:
Marijuana is a minor thats where all those emotions come in. Thats what hallucinogens do to you. Make you confused, paranoid...etc :]

Marijuana is NOT a hallucinogen. That's just more Gov't perpetuated crap.

High levels of THC can cause mild to severe psychosis, which is what this young man was suffering from.

Let's keep facts fact.

If you have problems handling your drugs, just remeber...

They're just drugs. Mind over matter.
Feeling self conscious is an effect often reported by victims of the secret Department of Defense mind control satellite. Using mj is an effective antidote. This means your feelings of self consciousness would be much worse without the mj.
Not to downplay the real chemical reactions of MJ, or any other chemical substance, I think one's attitude is an important part of this phenomenon. One time, many years ago, I had a supervisor who was in his late 70s. I was talking with him one time, and the phrase "suffering from old age" was used. He told me the secret was to stop "suffering" from old age and enjoy it. I've applied that thought as much as possible in my life, and it works. I think it might also be applied to the MJ experience. First of all, learn to recognise the feelings you get when you smoke. Re-emphasis to yourself that it is definitely the weed causing it and that you get all back to normal in a short time. Then, when you're feeling those those responses learn to laugh at it, and enjoy it. Like: "Wow, here I go getting paranoid again, Ha, ha." The bottom line is that paranoia or any of the other "bad vibes" do not change the reality of any situation. Why not laugh at them? Just a little mental conditioning.
huh.. i just get nicely stoned. don't worry about anything when i smoke. (well apart from government conspiracy's and the state of our society)
i've never been a fan of smoking at work or going to town high though.. i can do it, and i'm never worried. i know i looked baked.. i don't care, i am baked.

if it bothers you being around people when high, maybe leave it for the night time.

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