Dont Kill Your Hermies!

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Well hey there MT,
All that being said, I think you handled the heat very well. Your not responding with heat in return was great to see, and then the icing on the cake was when you accepted what you were learning from here, and you even laughed, showing style and grace under fire. That took guts in my books.
Well Done, well done indeed.
smoke in peace
Thanks King...I only want to be a good member on this site :) Its helped me so much and is such a pleasure to be on..Its the least i can do haha.
luke said:
this is old news for me everybody knows hermie and a female plant makes female seeds ive done my research but thanks for informing everybody
If a hermie releases pollen and a non hermie female gets pollinated by it...its seeds are feminized.
Midnight Toker said:
If a hermie releases pollen and a non hermie female gets pollinated by it...its seeds are feminized.
ok, i understand that part...and how is someone supposed to tell a "pure" female, can a hermie stay hiddin till the end? or be a "carrier" of the trait?

a hermie killed my perfect record, luckily on 1 plant only...but that WAS a great plant till seeds popped it'll just get put in joints after processing. another quicky question...that one plant will be producing ALOT, the cola's cant be cured now can they?
From our own personal experience a hermie does produce a hermie. ;)

Here is a little experiment I did a while ago:

A friend of mine had a plant that hermied and produced seeds. He thought was great (new to growing and all). He took those seeds and planted them. As predicted, they were female plants, BUT every one of them was also a hermie and also produced seeds.

I wanted to test out Dutch Master "Reverse," so I asked him for some of those 2nd generation hermie seeds (he had hundreds). I planted 6 of them expecting to get 6 hermies. I also played around with the lighting schedule, over/under nuted, over/under watered, and changed the temps; basicly all the things that are suppose to make a plant hermie.

Guess what happened....Not a single one of them hermied, even the ones that were NOT treated with the "Reverse."

Of course, that ruined my entire experiment, but the good news is we have a batch of "Feminized" seeds. Since then, he has grown about 50 plants from those 2nd generation hermie seeds and has not had a single hermie.

I don't know if any of this means anything, but I just wanted to share one of my experiences. :)
Midnight Toker said:
If a hermie releases pollen and a non hermie female gets pollinated by it...its seeds are feminized.
Nope..... the hermie genetics/tendancy will still be there. The hermie needs o be a "TRUE" female, that has been chemically reversed. AND pollinate another TRUE female.
Otherwise.. IMO, you're breeding hermies.
"Hermies procreate hermies"
llok why mess with i naturl why of things. there are ways to get thoses ratios of male to female to raise. i beeentrying to get males for about 2 full grows now thats. and all females so i read smoe where on here that if you use mh during veg that it can increase females when growing form seeds. so when i used the hp from seeds i got 4 males out of 10 seeds.

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