dont mention LED's

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THC, certainly my pleasure to share..
I didn't go to a trade show, and just decide to buy LED's... Nope.
I watched and followed a thread PJ made with his LAB GROWS....
Yes, this is my 1st LED grow. and i also know there is a learning curve... I'm fine with that..
I do Have a 4 X 4 closet i grow in.. so No i am not a cash cropper..
and PJ did the research for my little set up as well...
The current room is my Veg room, not the flower room PJ and I discussed the lighting options for..
in the summer months here, i have to run my 600 HPS do to heat,, in winter i run the 1K light in the little 4 X 4 room..
these 5 LED lights cost me 850.00 (that includes shipping )
I have only been running 1 plant in my 4 X 4 flower room, as my style was rdwc and grow one tree in flower...
i will have to change my style to produce the same amount of bud tho.. so i still have a large learning curve to go...
however these 5 LED's are a bit over a 1K HPS. so come summer time i wont have to change to the 600 because of heat issues like i do know,, more good news imo...
Again, i am not trying to sell LED lighting, just sharing with growers that have thought about them is all.....
@Nouvellechef I think PJ should be the one to answer that... so he can give you an accurate number bud.
Wow, got some feathers stirred for sure huh but mostly on a Duck, go figure.

Didn't figure there would be this much to read this AM. I don't get all the arguing though. You guys wanted to see someone with experience show some documented stuff to make you believers, so here I am.

Had a friend of a friend contact me and ask me to go straighten out some mis guided ideas, had no idea I'd walk in to the crossfire.

If we can get away from that, and you guys want to see some stuff I am happy to educate, but if it's going to be this back and forth crap, I am not interested. It's why I walked from here 2 years ago, and TBH I just don't need it.

NC, there are no changes when it comes to wattage with the lights I am using. If you used 1000 watts in HID, its the same wattage for LED's. The difference is about Half the cost to run them. If you decide you want to really pursue the LED's hit me at the other spot and I'll get you an exact quote. We have to get in to plant numbers, spacing and whatnot to nail down which unit we use.

pcduck said:
Did he not have to do major LST?
Not at all, or should I say not on any plants that I did not have to for HPS. Some strains can hold their weight, some can't. No changes there. I will say that the days of a plant stretching are GONE. Only plants I have had to date stretch have been SSH and Pennywize. Supercropping - a thing of the past.

JustAnotherAntMarching said:
Guys it was $1900 to replace 8 - 1000whps.... thats gotta be like 200sq feet... 8 1000s gotta cost $1500+.... $400 is not a
HUGE difference IMO...

Hammy talk to PJ it would prob be $300 for an LED unit for your 4x4...
Actually it was 1900 to purchase 6 Apollo 10's which replaced 2 1000W HPS setups. I did have other lights on that order, so it was a bbit more, but I broke it down on a price delivered to my door.

You are actualy pretty close on what it would take to run a 4x4 tent though. Maybe a lil more or less give or take. You know where to get at my Hammy.

The Hemp Goddess said:
PJ and my my, thanks for taking the time to post and put up pics.

PJ, I have some questions, I hope you will be around later. However, I have a very important engagement :giggle: --a wake-and-bake morning watching an early college football game at friends' house.

TBH I had not been here in a while, but since you ask so kindly I'll be back with some answers for ya.

Last comment in here for now just to clear things up a lil. While I may have designed my LED specs, the lights were already designed. I wanted to go one step further and chase an idea I had about spectrum's so I decided to give my idea a run. It works, and works well.

I actually recently designed a new LED spec for vegging because I wanted to see if I could get even more nodes before I hit the 10 or so inches before I flip, and that has worked wonderfully as well.
I just read this whole thread.

AM, I think there is a lot of open minded people here. I know nothing about LED's but I am very interested in anything that will reduce heat significantly in my flower room. So thank you.

PJ, so nice to see you again. Your plant looks very nice.

Glad you all took time out for us stubborn old growers here to educate.

I thought MyMy was a lady. Sorry Mymy... I don't know what the trouble you have with posting pic's are, if that was you. Maybe we can help.

Open mindedly yours.
Thanks PJ for taking the time and for sharing your experience with us. I will hit you up via pm at the other place. Might be looking to do something light wise early next year. Been busy trying to get my tents up and running but that should calm down a bit now and I will have some free time.
P Jammers said:
NC, there are no changes when it comes to wattage with the lights I am using. If you used 1000 watts in HID, its the same wattage for LED's. The difference is about Half the cost to run them.

PJ can you explain this further? are the LED's and HID's both drawing 1000 watts?

Thanks GD
Growdude said:
PJ can you explain this further? are the LED's and HID's both drawing 1000 watts?

Thanks GD
Drawing no, producing yes in short. A quick Google search will explain how that works.
I believe every word of it. It just scares me cause I know, running a legion of single cola plants with those LED's is the way to go. Just like running a HID, single cola SOG, but you save on killowatt hours and bulb replacement. But I know going over 99 plants can happen real quick, thats the part that scares me. While I might save some money over the years, I just sleep better only having a few she beasts under some HID's.

But keep on doing! :)
The Silver Bullet Special said:
I have a question. Do LED's have the same light penetration strength as HPS?

The Silver Bullet Special said:
I have a question. Do LED's have the same light penetration strength as HPS?

Well here is a loaded question, yes?

The first thing you need to understand is how to grow with LED's. It is not the same as growing with HPS.

A better question would be and what it boils down to is, can you get the same yield or better with LED's, and can the flavor and quality be improved.

The answer to that question is with out a doubt, yes....Easily.
nouvellechef said:
I believe every word of it. It just scares me cause I know, running a legion of single cola plants with those LED's is the way to go. Just like running a HID, single cola SOG, but you save on killowatt hours and bulb replacement. But I know going over 99 plants can happen real quick, thats the part that scares me. While I might save some money over the years, I just sleep better only having a few she beasts under some HID's.

But keep on doing! :)
Who's growing single cola plants with these?

Whatcha wanna see bro?

How bout a sativa that went 5 feet 4 zips? I'm sure it could have done a lot better had I really worked her in veg, but I flipped it at 3 weeks from seed.

Looks like I know where some of my tax return cash is going....:D
WeedHopper said:
Flavor improved by LEDS??:eek:
Search Wageningen University, part of Wageningen UR

Not sure if that was a serious question with the eye popping guy, but figured I'd go ahead and show you the way to some scientific studies, you know just to CYA.

Where ya at Duck?

Moon walking off in to the sunset r ya?
PJammers said:
Where ya at Duck?

Sitting here doing :bong1: of my hps buds and laughing, while you try to convince people how it takes 99 plants to do what a hps can do with 10 plants, but it is better?

You guys are giving All the reason why it is not better then a hps.

Where do you think I am at? I am sitting here laughing hard:rofl:

So hurry on back to your lab so that you can LST your 99 plants, while I sit back and enjoy my hps buds:bong:

But gee these wonder lights make it not stretch and taste better.:rofl:

You guys are funny:rofl::rofl:

I have watched to many LED wannabes come and go to get my feathers ruffled p.jammers :aok:
P Jammers said:

The LED's I now have is 6 fixtures, which amounts to 2184 watts, so while I increased wattage a lil,

Im still confused on what the actual wattage used is. This makes it sound as if you increased your wattge.

Can you provide a link to what light or lights I could use to replace my 1000 watt HPS?
pjammers said:
Wow, got some feathers stirred for sure huh but mostly on a Duck, go figure.

Wow don't credit where it is not do, p.jammers:rofl:
You were not even contributing to the thread when AM was irked about me not running over to cannetics like a trained dog to look at some led grows. Read the thread:doh:

Just makes me laugh when people comment on here that haven't read the thread thoroughly.:laugh:
I've been doing a grow with LEDs I purchased from the place PJ was talking about and they are doing great!! I purchased 6-Apolo 6's to replace my 1000w HSP @ $179 ea and my grow hasn't skipped a beat.

The Jack Herrer I just harvested is probably the strongest smelling I've grown to date and it's of the same cut. It's still curing so I have no smoke report for it yet. The buds are just as firm as with the HPS showing they are getting the light that is needed. It can't be stressed enough that these lights can't be placed close to the plants like has traditionally been done with past attempts with LEDs. These things are intence and have to be maintained at least 18 inches from the tops of the plants. I should mention that I'm using LEDs with 120 deg lenses on them that spread out the light rather than focus straight down. I was going to go with 60 deg lenses but PJ suggested the 120 because he new I like to grow wide bushes and it was a good call.

I'm going to have to work on changing my grow methods to SOG as I believe these lights will really shine with that method. (No pun intended) LOL

The second pic was during the install and the kooltube is no longer there.

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Very nice buds Niteshft. Thank you for takin the time to post some of your results!:cool:
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