First time grower with red stems/yellow/spotting leaves

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Yep mine got delivered today but won't be able to put them in until Friday. I had them shipped to another location (not the grow site for obvious reasons) and I will be grabbing them Friday to put them in.

First dosing will be tomorrow. I think I am going to start out at 1/2 strength and see what that does.
It says feed two times per week for FF. Would it be alright if I just fed once a week for now at half the recommended amount?
Yeah that will be fine, and I have everything shipped to my house. The police cant scan every single package and they arent trying to unless there is a tip off. I wouldnt want my stuff sitting at someone elses house to get stolen damaged or broken lol. But least you're trying to be safe about it.

My plant is liking the 1/4th strength it's leaves started getting bigger finally.
growgreen420 said:
Yep mine got delivered today but won't be able to put them in until Friday. I had them shipped to another location (not the grow site for obvious reasons) and I will be grabbing them Friday to put them in.

First dosing will be tomorrow. I think I am going to start out at 1/2 strength and see what that does.

Contrary to what you think, it is safer to have things delivered to your home than to tell others you are growing. I personally always have everything delivered to my house. You now have at least one person who knows about your grow and has probably already to others that you had seeds delivered to his house. You are far, far safer having things delivered to your home than telling others you are growing. In over 30 years of growing, I have never even heard of anyone getting busted because they had stuff shipped to their homes. On the other hand, most everyone I know that has gotten busted has been because they told others.

I would start at 1/4 strength nutes. What FF nutes are you using?
I ship to my parents house. I am big into cars and always order car parts and have them get shipped there. I told them about it and told them it is car parts. There r a few ppl who know about the grow. We also didn't order seeds online.
Rule number one TELL NO ONE. People can be your friend one day and flip the next. If you get in an argument one day they have something against you to ruin the rest of your life. My closest friends I've been to hell(excuse the language) and back with and have known for at least 7 years don't even know. I get all my excitement of talking about it by doing so here on the forum.
This was before I knew anything. But I am barely around the grow. I am over 2 hours away from it.
The people that know I would just tell them your plants died and you are unable to start up just to keep it quiet. How heavy is that light you got (the T5) I should be getting mine in tomorrow on the UPS tracking. I got the rope ratchets with the light.
Lol I just did. I was like "the guy that I was growing with got too sketched out and took the plants down." He straight up believes me too cause I don't lie to him. And i am not sure how much it weighs. On ups it says the package weighs 20 pounds so I am assuming 15-20 pounds.... Idk.... Maybe I should just take down the whole grow op????
The lights are quite light. You won't have any trouble using the rope ratchets with the T5. You are going to love them.

(Shame on you for having seeds sent to your parents house without their knowledge or consent :doh::hitchair::hairpull::angrywife:)
Lol my gf picked up seeds from one of her friends who grows.

But... now no one knows about our grow since we told the people who knew, that we are not growing anymore. They were like "what the heck?" haha. I guess they are a little upset. Oh well. I feel a little better now but who knows who they told????
Yeah I can't wait to get these lights setup. There will be a HUGE difference over the current lights and I bet the growth will be a lot better especially since we are dosing FF nutes and Co2
I will have mine up tomorrow and I'll post up some pics on my grow room thread. I look forward to see how these new lights do right now I have some chicken wire to hold lights above my plants and I have to raise the screen every two days lol.

Now the pic I attached, of course is, temporary. Just thought it would be funny to share. If you don't mind I can throw up a pic of my finished veg area tomorrow on this thread. There is 4 total 23W 1600 Lumen bulbs that white foam stuff has reflective backing on it that I just got for blocking out the closet door cracks and vents at night when I'm sleeping.

Good thinking about the grow thing if they told anyone you're growing they will tell people that you aren't now. When harvest time comes if they were customers or patients just tell them you are getting it from someone you know if they are trying to find out the source.

veg room.jpg
Setup looks good.

Wanna hear sonwthing funny... Well maybe... But I don't smoke. Haha. I tried it a couple times but that's it. I just find growing really fascinating with everything that goes into it.
What is this all about?

Humidity: 57%
Temp: 80 F

My gf got some sticks and they are now standing back up so let's hope that helps. Must not of been enough air movement?

That myfriend looks like massive stretch and your plant's stems arent strong enough to hold up the plant. I have a feeling it's from your CO2 with out upgrading your lights.

With light properties there is an inverse square law. Say you have a light at 16 lumens at 1 foot away, when you move that light 2 feet away from you then you are only receiving 4 lumens you move the light 3 feet away you will only get 1 lumen of the total 16 you started with. That's why T5's are the way to go because you can put them right on the plant.

There is a difference between stretching and growing, stretching is lengthening the distance between nodes with no new growth. Growing is popping new nodes closer together while acheiving the same height.

You can see in my picture of my "thai" (LOL it appears to be more indica so I may have mixed up my labeling) the nodes are much closer together than what yor plants are showing. This plant is 39 days from breaking surface from seed. I havent done anything but give this plant water in FFOF soil with 4 23W 1600 CFL's on it. Your CO2 probably caused this stretch from over stimulaiting the plant making it get too much primary "growth"(stretch) rather than thickening up it's stem. The black circles mark my nodes on the main stem, compare it to your plants and notice the difference since our plants are similar in age.

Those pots will be fine I'm growing in 3 gallon pots from start to finish.

Yep I see what you mean. Just two more days until the new T5's go in so that will probably solve my problem(s).

First time grower... what can you expect lol. All I know is that I have learned so much already and the mistakes I made this grow will be turned into lessons learned for my next grow which should go a lot smoother. Still not sure about the Co2. I will probably try it for one more week after I get the new lights and see what happens then... if nothing really significant then I will probably stop putting Co2 in.

Other than that, thanks for your response again Silver Bullet. You have been a great help/resource throughout my grow so far.

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