Fl Grower here... newbie

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Apr 3, 2014
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Hi All,

Cant wait for November this year when we legalize here in FL. Been reading ALL that I can get my hands on about growing. I hear it is about $400,000 to open your own dispensary and that the banks wont help at all because technically, weed is still illegal in the eyes of the feds so that is OUT!!. Growing seems to be much more affordable. Even if I just start out with a few plants and get bigger from there.

Hope to make some friends here...
:welcome: to Marijuana Passion, FlGrowTime. Yes, it is cheaper to grow versus being a consumer.

Peace and see you round MP. :bolt:

Welcome to MP FlGrowTime, Enjoy this hobby that is all consuming...
I didnt see a topic listed, so Ill ask here. Please forgive me if this is not the right place...
Does anyone know if the laws to grow in FL are going to be the same as other states or will we stand out as the sore thumb again?

Has anyone been to the CCI class? (Cannabis Career Institute). I am thinking about going this month. Just wondering if it is worth the 300.00.
LOL--mmj is not legal in Florida yet......it has yet to be voted upon. Getting on the ballot is a big thing, but it still has to pass. And then there will be a wait while the legislature figures out how they want to regulate it. Until then you will have no idea whether the laws will be similar to other states or not. Unfortunately, you are probably still a couple of years away from being able to walk into a dispensary and get legal mmj.

So, in the meantime, do you want to learn to grow or do you feel that you need to wait until it is legal? What exactly is the CCI (sounds kind of scammy to me)? IMO, everyone should start out with a few plants and get bigger (or not) from there. Growing cannabis is not like growing tomatoes. Cannabis has quite specific needs and there is a learning curve with this hobby. While you can get great smoke from your first grow, you do need to be informed, have the right equipment, and be able to carry out what you have learned.
Thanks Goddess. It looks like it is almost guaranteed to pass. Over 85% pro. Didn't realize that it would possibly be that long before it was ready to go. Due to some circumstances beyond my control, I have to wait until it is legal to grow to do anything "size wise". I will probably try a seed or 2 from a friend as a kind of experiment. I REALLY am looking forward to growing one of the Blueberry strains of Indica... :):)
Oh... CCI... Cannabis Career Institute... Not sure if I can post a link here:

Replace the "X" with "T"

They have been all over the news here in fl. Total training for the laws, permits, etc (the class is 10 hrs in one day. 3 hrs of that is on growing alone.) The other time is dedicated to marketing, cooking, etc... I saw it on the local news and went to the web site... Its just that the 300.00 that they want for the class could go towards a nice grow box...:):)
I think you can get the same or maybe even better education here at MP.... We put out the dank and would be happy to help you, no charge...
LOL.. Sounds like a deal to me...:):) There really is a LOT of info on this forum. I have been bouncing around for a few days looking and decided to join.

Right now if I did try to grow, it would have to be 100% stealth. I was looking at some of the grow boxes that are out there. The PC one really caught my eye. I work on computers a LOT and this would not raise an eyebrow if it was sitting there...
One more (might be stupid) question... Purchasing seeds on line... Do they ship to US? and if so, how do you go about shipping them without giving up vital personal info? Im sure that they do ship to the US because of all of the states that are legal now, but being in FL is still a different story.
Fig grow, yes they ship stealth to the US. Lots of peeps use Attitude seedbank. No problem.

Timothy, If you want to introduce yourself you go to the top of this section and at the top it says start a new thread... There you go.

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