Flower’s Grow.

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Well-Known Member
Bud of the Month Winner
Feb 9, 2022
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Two Jack Herer seeds and a lemon auto were repotted last night after I got home and found they had sprouted.
I am doing my best to watch humidity and temperatures in the bloom bloom room where the Blueberry Kush and LSD currently reside.

I also have a sour diesel clone that was gifted to me and will put a picture of it on later.

I decided to start this grow journal with the intention of giving other, more experienced growers, a chance to weigh in and offer advice, and/or constructive criticism.
I figure this will also give me a place to ask questions without cluttering up the rest of the forum.

Please note, I have spent several hours perusing through the information on here, and use the search function religiously.
I have had several questions come to mind that I have not found answers to yet.
So with that being said, on to my first question.

Seems to me that an MJ could be planted in a large pot with an opportunity to leave the soil a few inches below the top of the pot.
We will say for the sake of argument, 4 inches.
Once the bottom of the plant has been pruned up and made pretty, the pot could be filled the rest of the way up and the plant could then grow more roots from the newly buried stalk to better feed the above ground portion.
Kind of like hilling taters.
Am I wrong in my thinking?
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Flower I don't know, it sound interested. Well see what other grower feel. Best of Luck.
Came up with that on my own. Just seemed to make sense. Start your plant lower in the pot.
Trim the bottom of the plant later, and then top off with soil. Roots fill up the added soil and you have killed a 2nd bird by keeping your plants shorter.
I am just one of those guys that spend a lot of time thinking outside the box.
But you would loose out on the roots already growing The room below the roots is necessary for a big Tap and other large primary roots needed to grow a good size plant
It takes time for those roots to grow and reach the bottom and than stop growing down and start to ball up,.By doing it the way you describe your roots will bottom out sooner ,Thus a smaller plant. The smaller shooters from the stalk wont do much towards plant size
But you would loose out on the roots already growing The room below the roots is necessary for a big Tap and other large primary roots needed to grow a good size plant
It takes time for those roots to grow and reach the bottom and than stop growing down and start to ball up,.By doing it the way you describe your roots will bottom out sooner ,Thus a smaller plant. The smaller shooters from the stalk wont do much towards plant size

Seems like once the stalk was buried, that it would now be considered taproot?

But, I see your point, the lower in the pot it’s planted, the sooner it bottoms out.

The stalk could be buried to create more roots without damaging the plant though, right?
If so, then this theory should hold up for an outdoor grow?
Seems like once the stalk was buried, that it would now be considered taproot?

But, I see your point, the lower in the pot it’s planted, the sooner it bottoms out.

The stalk could be buried to create more roots without damaging the plant though, right?
If so, then this theory should hold up for an outdoor grow?
Use a good deep pot, yes the stem will grow roots but unsure of how thick they will get
Challenge accepted. Gonna have to start a journal on that in a couple months.


Here is a picture of the sour diesel clone that I promised.

I left the new sprouts in the dome overnight, and whew talk about some stretch!
I got them moved out of there and up into the light.
I got nervous about the Girl Scout auto seed not popping yet, so I started peeling back the peat pellet until I found tender stalk. I followed it sideways where I found folded up leaves still under the dirt. I repotted and finished excavating the leaves from the dirt. I am gonna leave her in the dome overnight and see what she looks like tomorrow.

The Girl Scout auto was perked up perfectly fine yesterday when I got home. She is now up under the light with the other 3.
I have them and Sour D in a temporary veg closet right now waiting for chop day on Blueberry and LSD. Once the chop is over, I am moving everything into the bloom closet and switching the lights back to veg.
I will then build a bigger, better, Bloom Bloom Room.
Flower, you have it going on Happy Growing.

I don’t think I am doing too bad. I would like to get the humidity up, and temp down a little in the veg room, but I will be able to control it better once I switch rooms after the chop.
I have been using Fox Farm nutrients, every other watering, per instructions. I fed yesterday and had a wee bit more nute burn than I was comfortable with. I have seen others on here mention that they run FF at half strength.
I believe I may do the same.

Here is a picture from last year’s grow. I believe it is Strawberry Cough.

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