Flowering problems

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Jan 10, 2010
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I am in about the 7th week of flowering and things were going ok. This batch has been put under a lot of stree because we started them while building our room around them and then took lots of clones off them etc so they were stressed but they still did ok. They are about three feet tall and all have a great cola on top considering the stress.
They are crowded because it was supposed to be sea of green but as I said things got out of control and they were allowed to grow to much and now they are what they are. Anyways everything was going ok although a little slow. They are a sativa blend (not sure what they are because I was told they were a lemon kush but they are way to sativa ee for that to be true)
They are on a flood table set up and they were moved to flower and put on MOnster bloom as well as a few other things like enzym etc.

Now the problem the fan leaves are yellowing fast (I know this is normal when you are this far into flowering ) but the other leaves are burning they look like heat burn but the lights are no closer now than they have ever been and I even moved them a bit so it isnt heat burn. I then assumed it was nut burn but I lowerd the food to almost 450 ppm and that didnt help now I am running just real low on almost just fresh water.
Sadly I did not pay attentiopn to the exact date I turned them to flower so I am guessing about 6 to 7 weeks in and the little leaves around the buds are burning dried out and dying and the bigger leaves are yellowing like mad and falling off fast.

I am worried I do not have a magnifying glass yet (its coming ) to see how close I am to cutting down but I would like to stop this burning if I can

I am enclosing some pics to let you see the newest look the temperature has been about 90 degrees during light and down to about 75 to 80 in the lights off stage. Humidity around 40 most tof the time..



WrecklessT said:

I am in about the 7th week of flowering and things were going ok. This batch has been put under a lot of stree because we started them while building our room around them and then took lots of clones off them etc so they were stressed but they still did ok. They are about three feet tall and all have a great cola on top considering the stress.
They are crowded because it was supposed to be sea of green but as I said things got out of control and they were allowed to grow to much and now they are what they are. Anyways everything was going ok although a little slow. They are a sativa blend (not sure what they are because I was told they were a lemon kush but they are way to sativa ee for that to be true)
They are on a flood table set up and they were moved to flower and put on MOnster bloom as well as a few other things like enzym etc.

Now the problem the fan leaves are yellowing fast (I know this is normal when you are this far into flowering ) but the other leaves are burning they look like heat burn but the lights are no closer now than they have ever been and I even moved them a bit so it isnt heat burn. I then assumed it was nut burn but I lowerd the food to almost 450 ppm and that didnt help now I am running just real low on almost just fresh water.
Sadly I did not pay attentiopn to the exact date I turned them to flower so I am guessing about 6 to 7 weeks in and the little leaves around the buds are burning dried out and dying and the bigger leaves are yellowing like mad and falling off fast.

I am worried I do not have a magnifying glass yet (its coming ) to see how close I am to cutting down but I would like to stop this burning if I can

I am enclosing some pics to let you see the newest look the temperature has been about 90 degrees during light and down to about 75 to 80 in the lights off stage. Humidity around 40 most tof the time..

whats your ph?? what ya feeding for a fert??? they kinda look Nitrogen burnt???
Yeah I thought it was nitrogen burn too but there is not much nitrogen in this as I am using monster bloom and a few things like zym. SO very little nitrogen..ANd I was using way more nitrogen while in veg and no probs and if you read youll see my PPM is way down to around 200 now and less and it is still happening. I realize the leaves going yellow near end of flower but this is extreme. THe ph has hovered around 6.3 to 6.7 of course it fell to under 6 for a day before I caught it.

SO I am confused as hell
your pH is way too high for hydro...my guess is that they you were mistaken in thinking it was a nute burn, when it was really a deficiency from nutes being locked out due to pH being too high. I'm not a hydro grower but I think you want your pH around 5.5 or something like that. 6.3 to 6.7 is what you want your pH to be at in soil. I don't want to say what to do, because like I said I don't know much about hydro, I'd try PMing someone like Mindzeye, or NVthis, DOS has grown in hydro...or Hemp Goddess...one of the hydro folks who knows their stuff. Good luck...I would think your first course of action would be to adjust your pH in your resivoir...but you better ask a hydro person.
Most nutes list a PH range on them. I use IONIC brand and they recommend 5.8 to 6.2. I keep mine 5.8 to 6.0 and they seem to like it. But check your nutes , they should have a recoomendation then adjust from there. Good luck...
that plant doesnt look too bad, ive seen/had worse. i personally dont let my ph get over 6.0 and try my best to keep it at 5.8 . i used to chase multiple nute deficiencies trying to fix a bunch of them seperately. i found a great little bit of info that said get your ph dialed in and see what happens and go from there. i fixed my ph which was too high, 6.5 and above sometimes, and shortly after with a newly ph'd solution i was back on track. i am a firm believer that the first thing to do is check and recheck that the ph is where you need it. it is hard to feed a plant a little extra something when it is locking out. i dunno if it helped or not? happy growing.
i recently saw a chart on here somewhere that showed at what levels of ph the different nutes are available...it didnt take much fluctuation from 5.8 in either direction to start to lock something out...so from what i can see its very important to stay at 5.8 or as close as possible when doin hydro but as ta2dguy said im not a hydro grower(yet) so i would check with some of the pro's, ill look and see if i can find that chart, was very interesting:)
MOnster bloom as well as a few other things like enzym etc.

What are the few other things? These other things maybe important as to how we answer your question.

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