fox farm and humic/fulic acid combo

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Feb 26, 2007
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I have been doing some research for my first hydro grow and was wondering opinions on fox farms and the use of humic additives.

Does humic or fulvic acid help maintain a steady Ph?
What is the most common/best way to maintain Ph? I have heard that lemon juice and PhDown leave residues.....thoughts?
Humic and fulvic acid doesn't maintain a steady ph... but they allow plants to handle ph swings with way less ill effects. Best way to battle ph is to use ph up/down once a day... once u get used to how MJ grows you don't even really need to look at a meter... u'll know how many drops at what time of the grow... but still use a meter =)
so would you recommend using humic /fulvic acid? both or just one?
I was using fox farms and could not keep the PH down on the bloom. The veg food was fine. Filtered water and Grow Big and I had no pH adjustments needed (well, only slightly). With the Big Bloom, nothing I could do would keep the pH down. Not even pH down from Earth Juice.

If you are worried about a residue, you're using the wrong nutes! The big bloom is so full of quano and other crap that every time I changed my hydro water, I had to scrub the **** out of my resivoirs! Started using Canna and never going back to fox farms!

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