Fresh Batch of Seeds DEAD!

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Mar 30, 2007
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Maybe I'm just really stupid but tell me this... I was looking to start my first grow since april hit, and I was look at germination techniques and since my previous grows never worked I look for something else to do.

First, I dumped like 20 seeds into a cup of water and for the first 2 minutes, only 1 seed sank? Does this require a lot of waiting for the test? or is it instantly? I just got some brand new seeds, some were maybe 2 weeks old and majority 1 week old. But still! Only 1 seed sank?

Please tell me if this is just because I'm a newbie or if this is real dead seeds? Is there something I'm mission out on?

Maybe water temperature, time elapse, etc. Please help, I hope these seeds arent dead

By the way I was told that GOOD seeds sink?
Leave them in the water overnight, then put them in between damp paper towels. Even if some didn't sink, they can still be viable. Put those paper towels in a container (so the water doesn't all evaporate), then put the container over something warm (like a CRT computer screen). It can take up to two weeks for seeds to germinate. :farm:
hey jj id keep them in the water till the seeds crack and you see the tap root. then use tweezers to take the seed out the water and put the seed in with the root facing down. this is the fastest way man and you know which seeds cracked.
I will start to make a grow Journal, but first, I know nothing about this, and if I make a grow journal I might need somebody to tell me what to do step by step. Yeah Im that ignorant.

HOW often do i water new seeds that have JUST sprouted? daily?
The seeds don't sink instantly. They'll float on the surface until they've absorbed enough water and then they sink. The best method I've used by far is the paper towel method. I wet the towel generously and throw the beans in. Cover them with another wet piece of paper towel and put them in a tuperwear container. Then I put that next to my heater or ontop of my cable box. If you have a big monitor for your computer, the heat vents will also work nicely. Within a day or two you'll have nice taproots sticking out. I just started some new seeds today. Within 8 hours they've all cracked and the roots are sticking out.
..floating/sinking seeds are not an efficient judge of viability.
thanks, all seeds germinated, good thing I didnt toss them! lol thx -JJ

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