Frist grow, going awesome!

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Mar 21, 2013
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Hey guys so i previously posted a thread on my first grow in a bin, and it was working but no room for ventilation made me buy a proper grow tent. It is going so well and im very surprised how fast marijuana grows, every morning their is a new leaf or a smaller one got huge! haha.

Anyway i have yet to post some pictures, will do soon.

:icon_smile: I have a question, i planted a bush weed seed, which is what im growing now, growing fine, it is my only one till my partner found an old bag with cone pieces inside and what do you know? seeds!:eek: Now i asked her questions and she said it would be hydro cause thats all she smoked when living where she did and doing what she did. So i thought bugger it, ima plant it and test my germinating, i placed in water for 2 days, tail popped out, surprised how fast, then in the wet towel she went and boom next day long tail, i planted it in a wool square and it is growing and i mean twice the speed of the bush plant, also the stem is purple? the bush weed is green, so sorry for going on but what does it mean.. purple stem? could it be hydro? :holysheep:

Thanks guys
Hydro is just a method of growing. Not a strain.

The purple stem could be just strain related and many do have purple stems when young. A purple stem could also mean lack of P when older or also strain related.
:yeahthat: :fid: Yep just what PC said. :)

Just a bit of advise.... A lot of people try to start out with bag seed to learn on but the bad thing about bag seed is more often than not, it is inferior seed that is very often the result of Herm crosses. Just because the seeds come from some great MJ doesn't mean that it was pollenated with even decent quality pollen. Then there are other issues that can arrise from unintended crosses. You end up putting so much time and effort, and money into growing these to harvest(if they survive that long), and then it herms so bad that it isn't fit to smoke.

The bad thing is that while you are growing cheap stuff to learn on, any problems that may arrise that are due to genetic malfunctions, could lead you to learn the wrong things about growing, give you a false confidence that what you are learning is applicable to any strain, or totally frustrate you because you think that you are doing it all wrong when the problem is with the genetics, or with a plant strain that is just difficult to grow.

There are plenty of good quality genetics to be had that are both inexpensive to purchase and easy for beginners to start with. I would recommend that you get some of those to learn from. :)

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