full grom with metal halide

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Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2009
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has any one ever grew with only a metal halide bulb from veg to flower or should i go with straight hps from begining to end
I think you're going to find that if you have to pick one, the HPS is going to serve you better. If you try to flower under MH, you're going to have incredible stretch because the plants will think they're surrounded by red-absorbing green things/competing plants. If you bath them in red spectrum light, they don't feel threatened by the competition.

I use MH conversions for flower then change out to HPS when 12/12ing. Conversion bulbs are expensive but worth the price of the ticket.
PencilHead said:
I think you're going to find that if you have to pick one, the HPS is going to serve you better. If you try to flower under MH, you're going to have incredible stretch because the plants will think they're surrounded by red-absorbing green things/competing plants.

I didnt find this to be true, the buds just didnt have the same girth the MH ones were just a bit smaller and you had to look twice to see that.

Look up my very first grow journal here, i think its called growdudes first hydro, the left side is MH and the left was hps.
I have to agree with Growdude. I had less stretch with the mh. The buds were just not as hard and compact and a tad smaller but that is all. Got me just as high. In my signature is a my grow with a mh the second grow was with a hps.
ive heard that it helps the strech in the first two weeks of flower if you use a mh
GrowDude and PC, your advice is more viable than mine if you've had personal experience. I've been lucky enough to be able to run both MH and HPS, and haven't had to experiment.

I was speaking of plant husbandry in general, and plant stretch in general. Overcrowding causes stretch by forcing a response to a lack of red spectrum light. As far as MJ's particular response to red or blue light, I have no personal experience to draw from.

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