Help!!?? 33rd Day of flower

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Well-Known Member
Mar 31, 2020
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What is happening to the fan leaves??? Why are the tips burnt only on a few of the leaves?? All help is welcome and appreciated… thanks for all that can assist in advance…
looks like you have some nutrient lock out going on there and it could be a few things like Ph is to high or to low or your nutrient regimen is off , like it’s missing something

the burnt tips are nutrient burned

how long till they are done , another 30-40 days?

I would start flushing with some distilled water that is Ph proper for about a week then start adding some high phosphorus flowering nutes with cal-mag , a light feeding until they perk up
looks like you have some nutrient lock out going on there and it could be a few things like Ph is to high or to low or your nutrient regimen is off , like it’s missing something

the burnt tips are nutrient burned

how long till they are done , another 30-40 days?

I would start flushing with some distilled water that is Ph proper for about a week then start adding some high phosphorus flowering nutes with cal-mag , a light feeding until they perk up
I'm with you flush them and see how they respond.
I call that turn and burn. A little turn and burn is something I look for that tells me they are getting enough food. To much turn and burn means ya need to back off your feeding regimen a little.
Needs more CalMag. I'm guessing you have a pH problem thats causing nutrient lockout, but that's hard to know for sure without knowing your:
Nutrient brand
Your feeding schedule
Intake pH (TDS would be helpful too!)
Runoff pH (TDS would be helpful too!)

Are you in soil or hydroponics?
Hi and thanks everyone, I’m growing in soil, using advanced nutrients micro, grow, and bloom, feeding every 2 days, water feed, water. As far as runoff, I’m not sure will check today when the lights come on. Again thank you everyone for the help!
Try this for a decent view of what's going on. Take a tablespoon of dryish soil about an inch down from the top of the pot. Mix with a tablespoon of distilled (need distilled to be pH neutral with no EC or TDS). Let sit for 10-15 minutes, stir and read the pH and EC. This is a good bit more reliable than runoff. TDS should be at least 500 over and too much food or lockout if the pH agrees, to little and they're hungry. pH needs to be in the acceptable range for your nutes, usually in the 6 range. You should discover lockouts or overfeeding with this info.
It's called a slurry test, I do one every few weeks just to be sure.
That sounds Ok. Let me spend a bit looking at them.

Okay, put my glasses on. Is that TDS?
This scale should help.

It’s a low I’d say. What do your nutrients say it should be? They’re hungry for something. Hard to see in the photos for me and I’m terrible at it as well. But I want to say lack of Mg is the culprit.

What do you think compared to the picture?
I use a product called Mag Amped most of the growers that use the system I use, use it. It’s just Mg and a surfactant so no Ca or extra N. A good shot of cal mag if you got it would probably help regardless. Not trying to push anything.

pH is good, let’s see what what happens.
Good luck!


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Hi and thanks everyone, I’m growing in soil, using advanced nutrients micro, grow, and bloom, feeding every 2 days, water feed, water. As far as runoff, I’m not sure will check today when the lights come on. Again thank you everyone for the help!
I had a nutrient deficiency problem and I might be able to help here. Exactly how big are your plants and how much nutrients are you giving them? Like for instance if you're mixing nutrients in a gallon of water or you splitting that gallon of water between multiple plants? Are you dumping that whole gallon on one plant and then following with water. How often are you watering. I was giving mine 1/2 gallon two three quarter gallon water per day and I'm 95% sure that I was way over watering it as well. Some more info would be helpful
And I have found that my plants also grow best when my soil is in the 6.5-7 ph range