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hey there hemp goddess, i had ph problems with one strain in hydro when i had it at 5.8 so a grower suggested i move it to 6.3 and it became better, that's just my experience
DonJones said:

In the future, you might co0nsider posting your questions that involve hydro in the hydroponics section. You can of course post anywhere you want to, but the reason there is a hydro section is so the hydro specialists can deal with hydro questions without a bunch of "I don't know about hydro cause I just grow in dirt but..." posts.

I'm not an expert on anything and haven't grown hydro yet, but am heading that way quickly as soon as I can afford to finish setting it up,so I follow the hydro section a lot. Everything I have seen anywhere says for hydro, which is what you have, you want to be as low as 5.6 and as high as 6.0 with the best starting point being 5.8.

Something else you want to remember is if the plants are only in your system for a day or two,it is very hard to tell what is going on because we have no idea what has been being done to them. Dispensaries or clubs are NOT ALWAYS reliable sources of information, seeds or clones. Depending upon the skill and integrity of the operators they can be worthless or very valuable.

There is usually a reason why "everyone" is telling you some thing and then there is some new member contradicting it. Did you notice that ZEM the great has only been a member for less than a month and without establishing any credibility has been posting crap and ruffling feathers? Be very cautious and suspicious of anyone how starts talking in absolutes, especially if it contradicts accepted knowledge and experience.

If I'm making an unwarranted assumption, then forgive me, but you sound like a total newcomer to growing in any medium, correct? IF you are starting out on hydro then you need to devour EVERY ONE OF THE RESOURCES, ESPECIALLY THE ONES WITH HYDRO because it is a lot more sensitive than soil. And you ned to do it NOW before you kill your clones. Also, try to tke your pictures under normal light because the HPS really throws the color off to a lot of us. The older more experienced may be able to adjust their vision to account for it but a lot of us aren't that good.

In addition to the hydro section, another section to follow is Sick Plants if you think there is something wrong. There are some very sharp members on that section when it comes to diagnosing plant problems.

Now having ran my mouth so to speak, I have only been growing since May 2009, but research for months before I even started, found a couple of experienced local growers to use as mentors and then started following the threads that dealt with what I wanted to know and most importantly THOUGHT about what I was told and asked myself if it made sense. If it didn't I kept asking for clarification without arguing until I finally understood it. Based on that way of doing things I have gotten a good reputation, often times more than what I think I deserve, but the reputation comes from the response of the other members towards your postings so I guess I must accept the reputation they have bestowed on me. The point here is that you can grow for years and kind of just stumble along ignorant as heck and even get pretty good results or you can study and learn and become very knowledgeable in a fairly short time like I did -- but remember there is NO substituted for experience! I've made some real stupid decisions that have cost me dearly because I missed one little thing that everyone knew and just assumed that I knew so didn't mention it.

An example is I was running a 100% success ratio on my clones all late spring and early summer and then went to a 0% ratio. It was my totally inexperienced and uneducated as regard to growing MJ other half that figured out that the temp in my cloning room had dropped from the high 70s /80s to below 65F at the same time I started loosing every clone. Since then I have started heating the area and my success ratio is back up -- it is too early to give numbers, all because she was able to distance her thinking from all of the possible causes and look for what had changed. This oversight of something very basic cost me 3 varieties that I really wanted to keep that are "outlaw" local varieties only readily available in clones and with no current source of reliable replacement clones. And her insight enabled me to save the other one that was nearly gone, because when I started warming up the area, 4 of them pulled through and are growing real well in Perlite rapidly approaching time to transplant them.

WELCOME TO THE FORUMS AND PLEASE DO NOT BE AFRAID TO ASK QUESTIONS BUT BE READY TO LISTEN TO THE ANSWERS. If they don't make sense then either ask for clarification or just ignore it because you will not gain anything trying to change someone's mind unless they want to change it!

Get into those resources and the hydro section ASAP and you'll be okay. Remember, until we started messing with the genetics, cross breeding and hybridizing them, pot plants were basically weeds that grew naturally all by themselves nearly all over the world, so while you can kill them, you will probably be most likely to love them to death and over water and feed them.

Good smoking man. I look forward to seeing you around and successful fo ra long time.

Don Jones

I would like to start off by saying thank you for your post. I am pretty good and determining ** from intelegence and I will deffantly takes your advice in and start reading the resource section of the site. You hit the nail right on the head about me beeing a complete neub! I watched my friend grow for a year and when he had to get rid of his setup, I bought it. I thought I had enough knowledge to grow something. WOW was i wrong, but I am not one to give up. I will start reading as soon as im done with this post. From one vet to another thank you!!!!
Once again...Very Solid Advice from Don Jones!!! Thank you Don
DonJones said:

Did you notice that ZEM the great has only been a member for less than a month and without establishing any credibility has been posting crap and ruffling feathers?
this should add some points to my credibility :p

new ones 013 (Custom) (Large).jpg

compressed (Medium).jpg
zem said:
this should add some points to my credibility :p

If plants in hydro did better at 6.3 than 5.8, I would believe that my testing method and/or equipment was faulty.

Pics are available all over the internet. These really mean nothing...
sumwhiteguy said:
Don Jones

I would like to start off by saying thank you for your post. I am pretty good and determining ** from intelegence and I will deffantly takes your advice in and start reading the resource section of the site. You hit the nail right on the head about me beeing a complete neub! I watched my friend grow for a year and when he had to get rid of his setup, I bought it. I thought I had enough knowledge to grow something. WOW was i wrong, but I am not one to give up. I will start reading as soon as im done with this post. From one vet to another thank you!!!!

it's easy to get frustrated at the beginning. hell, i'm still in the beginning. just about to turn my first clones into the bloom stage. and i still get frustrated!

don't give up. the guys here know what they are talking about and are more than willing to help out. i cannot wait to smoke my own, hard worked, crop! even if this turns out to be crap for the first round i have gained a lot of knowledge to make my 2nd crop a better one!

good luck.
The Hemp Goddess said:
If plants in hydro did better at 6.3 than 5.8, I would believe that my testing method and/or equipment was faulty.

Pics are available all over the internet. These really mean nothing...
hey there HG all i mentioned was that maybe just maybe his particular strain wanted a higher ph, i grow my strains both at the 5.8-6 level, however my william's wonder seems to like it lower i never said 6.3 was optimal but if you want to be on a safe level you can put it at 6-6.3 levels all plants would live at these levels but i personally saw a single strain one of my old sativas suffering ph problems at 5.8 level and was better when i raised the ph to 6.3 that was one specific strain and not all strains so i assumed that different strains need different ph levels that go between 5.5-6.3
and about my grow pics at least look closely in my pics i can show you many pics these are my grows i can show you the equipment in my grows on and on in different pics but that would be a bit silly so i'll just build up my profile and gallery slowly until i get some more credibility cuz even my own pics were not enough.. this is a very nice site :) cheers
hey guy! search my name and you find all my threads. nice looking equipment ya got there ;)
haha, just click on my links, been so long since i posted i forgot my signature

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