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I was there...he inhaled
Jan 6, 2008
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...yesterday was my official 2.5 years with no drink. Just humor me it makes it easier LOL. 2.5 years and in that time I have bought a house, lost my mom, gained a neice, watched my brother go back for his 2nd and 3rd tours in the bad place, grown some MJ, started a second business, gotten arrested for DUI for MJ while being a designated driver...something tells me my hardest times are yet to come, no safety net (MJ) and another tour through PAs awesome legal system...anyways it makes me happy as all hell to know I have come this far. Many of you know 2.5 years is nothing but we all start somewhere, also I would like to thank all the guys and gals who have supported me and kept me busy.

Thank you all for being such nice and understanding folks...you guys are the best and I mean that...everyone have a great day and make sure you smile...it's contagious!!!!

My own friends never thought I would make a month:p . Now I know none of my friends could even make a month LOL.
Congratulations Snuggles!!!! Just to let you know, because of your caring words and understanding I am remaining drink free myself. I look forward to saying "Its been 2.5 years" myself. We have never met but you are a great friend to many people!!!
HippyInEngland said:
Do you still feel the 'thirst' ?

The insatiable thirst that only a bottle can give relief?

I know this thirst, it is good to see your fighting it :cool2:

Somedays yes and somedays no, Fridays are hard, especially in the summer when all the pretty girls are out and about, and my friends are sitting on a deck somewhere enjoying themselves...just like the one I picked up almost 3 weeks ago, when I got arrested LOL.

I have one thing going for me, if I drink my mom will know and I will have hell to pay if I make it to the pearly gates LOL. I fear her more than any maker...LOL it's true 34 years old too.

Most days though I am very happy to wake up and enjoy the day. Plus it was costing me a ton LOL.
it's all about perspective! and U have a good one....

and MJ will be back into your expereince very soon.....:D

somethings we just know and we cant explain.:holysheep:

I'm glad you are feeling good. thats really what it's all about!:)
Ilikebigbuds said:
it's all about perspective! and U have a good one....

and MJ will be back into your expereince very soon.....:D

somethings we just know and we cant explain.:holysheep:

I'm glad you are feeling good. thats really what it's all about!:)

Thank you, and you and your PMs are a joy BTW, thank you for being so nice and supportive of me...one day I hope to return the favor. I think you are a special lady, I like the way you "see" things. Best to you and your family.
(Standing at pulpit...) "Ladies and gentlemen, we have gathered heere todaaaay to bear witness to a man who we have all come to know and looove as "brother snuggles!" (peanut gallery: "Here, here!!")

"Now, brother snugglesssss may have been TOSSED and TURNED by the ROIL of the sea... but this maaannn has learned to RIIIISE UP, and surf the swelling tiiiiiide LIKE HE OWNS IT!!"" ( peanut gallery: "That's right!")

"Now THIS MAN...has shown to himself...and to ALLLL the DOUBTERS and HATERS and WHAT NOT'S, that HE...(preach it, preach it!)...and HE ALONE, CHOOSES WHAT STAYS and WHAT GOES in his life! - CANNA GIT N AMEN!!"

**Congratulations to loving son, a strong man...and a good buddy! (laughing like Roscoe P. Coaltrain!)**:)
Congradulations man. I am half way thinking about quiting as well. I dont drink a lot, but every once in a while... I NEED a drink. I should nip that in the butt and have a smoke instead. Smokin doesnt give me a hangover, when I realize I only wanted " a " drink.

Anyways Snuggles, Congrats and keep your head up friend. Lifes fun.;)
As an exbartender and excessive partaker in the devil alcohol, tho no longer do i drink anything alcholic, my hat is off to you.....sounds like you got a good handle on that. I hope each day it gets easier for you, it did for me, and i love that i can not remember the last time anymore (mostly i try not to think of it).
Congrats Snuggles! Don't let anyone ever tell you two and a half years is nuthin, it's a BIG deal 'cause, hey, that's a long time. I've been a non-cigarette smoker for 10 years now, so I know what breaking free from an addiction is. It's tough wether it's booze, cigs, certain drugs, sex or theivery. It's tough, so I raise a pipe to you Snuggles, in yer struggles, and hope you stay on top. Way to go!:D
right on, snuggly-poo :huh:???


u know where it comes from...
stay clean, man... cuz I drink enough for the BOTH of us already :holysheep:

u know it :aok:

I'm one 'ta talk, eh?...


ya know... we all got our probs... thing is... I'm an example of a problem.

just don't be like me, and u'll be great ;)

way 'ta go, man... proud of you to read this thread :aok:
snuggles, I am so proud of you. :)

I had 10 yrs until '06. I actually met my hubby in AA, and he has about 20 yrs sobriety now. I can definately sympathize with your trials and tribulations. Luckily I am better at keeping things in check these days, or so I think. :p
Thats awesome Snuggles great job!!! Keep it up!!!