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...whoa...just whoa...
Jan 11, 2008
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Hey all. Obviously I'm new and all...but yeah, don't really know what to say but if you have any questions about me, just ask
Welcome, what size shoe do you wear? What are you growing?
11 and a half and actually...fresh herbs...unfortunately I literally mean fresh herbs...haha, chives, majoram, parsley etc... for you see, I am in chef training in college so...yeah :)
yeah, thats right next to the "basket weaving" right?

yum an chef to be let me guess you want to grow so you can use some of the fine cannabis recipes in your restaurant to be. now thats a way to get them coming back for more:rolleyes::stoned: ;) :rofl: any way :welcome: to MP see you around the site :bong2:
haha, well I am going to be experimenting with the culinary side of smoking very soon...I've always been too lazy to make oils or butters etc... but now that I have a friend who grows I have access to male plants :)
well welcome to the site well u be starting a grow and if so i hope to see a grow journal ,and good luck on the cooking i love to cook my self and im pretty good if i do say so my self lol,,any ways welcome foops hope to see ya around the site
heh, I wish I could start a grow but I am in total lack of fundage to do something like that right now...and my roommate...well, she's an old friend from highschool but as soon as we got to college, she started to hate weed...doesn't mind me smoking it but I don't think she would like it very much if I grew in our apartment, heh...but hopefully next year I'll be moving to a house with a few friends and if that works out...maybe I will start a lil op :)...Also, I love collaborating with other people on food ideas and such and throwing pot into the mix makes it all the better so once I get some plants to make some butters and oils, be sure to hear from me in the cooking section asking for ideas ;)
Welcome to MP. Glad to have ya here and hope to see ya around. Enjoy the site! ;)
Welcome to the site. Yeah its unfortunate your roomate isnt cool with you growing, but got to respect that. And for future reference parters are always bad, just 2 more mouths that you dont know what they are saying. I mean if you really trust them thats cool. I wont ever do it, I mean I have a girlfriend that I live with. like I said if you really trust them its cool. But Ive seen a lot of people get screwed of either opening there mouths, or having parteners. But sorry man dont mean to get all preachy, I just dont want you to get caught. Im sure its not that fun. Hope to see you grow soon.

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