Home Cure!

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Well-Known Member
Jan 17, 2010
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I went to my friendly nieghborhood dispensary and talked to them about my yellow spot problem with my girls,..!:eek: I explained we checked the ph the lights are perfect,.;) .the leaf tips were looking burned here and there! My Iss was REALLY stressed out! :confused: Poor Baby Girl! I was thinking I was going to have to put her down!! She's only 7 weeks then my widow and my Great White started with a single spot each and one leaf tip on each turning brown,... OKay panic time! :eek: He said Awww not to worry! He said when you get home blend (juice!) Two garlic Cloves and a jalepeno,.. drip ONE drop (small) of dish Dawn dish soap and mix with water in spray bottle,.. lean plants bucket to the side so not to play with them to much and spray the Under side of the leaves and stems with the concoction! :watchplant: It worked! Every one of my girls,!!!!! are chipper Green! deep green and the spots are gone and no progression of brown tips!,.. They look very happy and within the night! seriously hours they were improving!:aok: The house smells like a mexican hot house!:yay: But My Girls are some happy little girls! Hope it helps you too!:cool:
Oops forgot to tell you when i first began to mist I saw a little tiny tiny flippin bug fly off! I HOSED HIM!

'Whatever you give a woman, she will make it greater. If you give her sperm, she'll give you a baby. If you give her a house, she'll give you a home. If you give her groceries, she'll give you a meal.. If you give her a smile, she'll give you her heart. She multiplies and enlarges what is given to her. So, if you give her any crap, be ready to receive a ton of &*#!.'
Sounds like you had a bug issue, not a nutrient one.
interesting, did you know what bug it was??
Looked to me to be Dust Mites,...Cant stand em around me either,..When I started all these allergies; I found out there are three types of dust mites out here! :ignore: (In Colorado any how) and Doc blew up a pic to show me! :eek: Ugly little creatures! With knawing huge teeth compared to their size! :holysheep: Had to be a night mare for my baby girls!
They are thriving this am! :yay: Wish I was! Doc still loosin hope I think! :argue: Just can't figure it out! I'm MMMMEELLLLTTTING! only 91 pounds now! :hitchair: Even gained a new allergy to taters! Sonnof a B*^T#H! :shocked:
Well,.. at least my babies are all fine and well! :hubba: If I didnt have all these medical expenses right now I might could get a cam. and post some pics! :stuff-1125699181_i_
For now,...... You gotta trust me,.. They are Happy Happy girls! :joint: eerreee! Good Day! Clearly,..... Crystal
you must have used every smiley :rofl:
Nope they would only let me use 10! :rolleyes: Dang it! Really hard for me Not to express myself for some reason,.. lol Suppose why they call it Dope?,:D ...Hmmm
Thanks LF! :) Some days I wake up lately with Loads of hope,... Some days,..:cry: . (like the days he has me get on the scale,.. ) Not so much! Im loosin about a pound a week again! :confused: and I must stop now I don't have much left to go @ 5'8",.....I Thank God for my Faith,.. My Prince Charming,... and You guys! Thanks again! Here's a little "Mountain Haze" :ccc:
From "Up on Cripple Creek" eeerrree ,...... Clearly,...... Crystal Wishin we had a smiley with a cowgirl hat! lol
Your the emote queen, and I love it, hehe :) All the expression in your posts make the reader feel more of what your feeling. Dont change a thing! :D

I'm glad you figured out your plant problem and thanks for sharing the info about them :)
Im Lovin your Quote too, War Fish! :cool: Sure hope the concoction works for you! ;) Take it easy, (a lil Mountain Haze from "Up on Cripple Creek" ) ..:joint: eeerrree ....Clearly,.. Crystal

'Whatever you give a woman, she will make it greater. If you give her sperm, she'll give you a baby. If you give her a house, she'll give you a home. If you give her groceries, she'll give you a meal.. If you give her a smile, she'll give you her heart. She multiplies and enlarges what is given to her. So, if you give her any crap, be ready to receive a ton of *#@$.'

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