How do you start growing inside under flourescent lights?

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Jun 20, 2007
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I got the seeds today, anybody know how the best way to start growing them fast, and how long they will take to sprout and what to do after?
looks at top of screen and points to search function...
:holysheep: Start germing them ladies!:holysheep: I prefer the paper towel method.;) I't very quick! Get your seeds and put them in a moist paper towel folded in a manner in which they shouldn't fall out and place the paper towel in a ziploc baggy air tight. Then put in a warm and completely black environment. I put mine in a black purse of my wife's :angrywife: and put them in the top of my grow closet. Check everyday, when you see one sprouting, plant it. I take the eraser part of a pencil and go down a half inch into the soil. Sprout facing upward, put soil on top, lightly spray some water on it and put your lights as close as you can get them. about two or an inch away.
Leave as is. Just make sure there's plenty of water. Not enough to drip from the paper towel but darn close.

Hey bro,:doh:
:eek: I meant to say plant the seed, long root part down not upward! Sorry for the confusion!!:eek:

:doh: My Bad :doh:
Place a dropplet of bleach on each seedthey will crack faster
There is really no need for the bleach. And I've never heard that before.:confused: They'll usually germinate in the paper towel within three days. My first one did. Just planted it today! :D Patience is a virtue in growing MJ anyways!:D
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Don't put bleach on your seeds.... and folks that give bad info like this... please read the FAQ's before you post. You are going to have people killing their plants before they get started.

To the person that started this thread.. read the FAQ's then start your seeds. Dont' hurry man, you got a lot to learn before you gonna be growing nice cannabis.
You can spend a lot of time asking a million questions here and get lots of dumb answers like putting bleach on your seeds... :hitchair: OR

you can roll up a fattie sit down and read the grow guides on the main page and check out the journals.......... and you will get LOTS of RIGHT information Good luck..
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fireeeee powerrrr is on the loose:yay: :guitar: :headbang2: :dancing: :clap: :headbang: :woohoo:
haha Bleach.. thas a new one... Say NO to Bleach!
:holysheep: Tell me about it. Really, where in the heck did you here that from?:holysheep:
Yo PeaceLove 1967,
Funny thing about seeds that germinate, When you see a taproot or even a tap and head, don't panic if your unsure rather you put which end in correct or even upside down, the seeds always seem to figuere it out. I've even found that in the middle of any confusion, you can just lay the seed on it's side, and cover it with about 1/2" soil, and it will work fine. Pretty interesting that it,(seed) can find the right direction even tho it is buried. Bleach sounds a bit too scary, I'm thinkin major burn job, and then death.
smoke in peace
i did it myself, and a few other growers that had ben growing for a long time told me about it, i had a sprout and it was through the soil in 4 days from germination
you do it as soo as you begin germination and not alot use a pipette if you have i it drops out about 1/3 of the size of the seed, seemed to work for me.
sorry jroc but had to -rep for that bleach comment! ;)
Using tap water and the chlorine it has in it can ruin your seeds so I can only imagine what bleach would do!

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