How much do you really smoke?

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_Sir Smokes Alot_

Yup, thas some gud budddd
Nov 18, 2008
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Personally my self, I can find myself going thru an once easy in one weeks time. Then at others maybe not even a gram a day. Ppl have told me i smoke too much, what are your opinions? How much do you smoke?
:bong: Stoner!!!

:rolleyes: OH,,, and I cant remember how much I smoke:D
only maybe a gram a month these days maybe less
The weed I've grown is the strongest I've ever smoked in my entire life.

One toke makes me high as a kite for about 6 hours.

That's usually all I want for the day. Maybe one more.

I love it. It makes my weed last forever.

Some of my friends won't even smoke it. They say it makes them too paranoid and they say it makes them *too* high. :D

The less potent stuff still gets me high, but I've got to smoke about 20 times as much of it to get the same effect.

Hydro at it's best!
my wife and I, a half ounce a week. so that workks out to 2 grams a day between us.
depending on what im smoking...mids ill smoke between me and my girl maybe an ounce a week but iif its good and im just smokin bowl packs maybe a quarter or a little more per week...
oltomnoddy said:
Same here. When I smoke (currently abstaining) 2-3 one hitters is all I
need for the day. A.I. keeps me mighty high.

What stains?:D
i'm with potus.i load my small glass pipe and it will last all or two hits at a time.
i smoke when i feel my buzz fading. today that might not be much but then again it could be a lot. depends on the weed and what im doin.. i like to keep a light buzz all the time. sometimes a 1/2 oz a week sometime more. the more i smoke the more i wanna smoke.
I just take one or two hits when I'm home and "done" for the day- working or whatever. When my son visits maybe a little more.
My current grow looks like it'll yield over 1/2 LB or more- After I give some to friends and to my son- what's left will last a real looong time.
Next grow will just have to be for the fun of it.
Between myself and herself, we get through an ounce every 2 weeks ... most of that being at the wekends.
i fall in the heavy hitter section, on average 5 grams of high grade strain a day sometimes more sometimes less. its the best medicine in the world.

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