I am quiting weed tomorrow!

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Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2009
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So I am looking for a new job and am going to quit smoking untill I get one! The jobs I want are in an industry that requires a test...yeah I know drink substance "X" or smuggle in object "X" into the testing facility...Those drinks have NEVER worked out for me in the past and trust me I have tried often! I actually have fake piss to warm up and a wizzinator but am going to do this the old fashioned way.

This will be extremely difficult for me to do, although I have done it in the past. The first 3 days are the worst, then its not so bad... But I would say that I am pretty heavily addicted/reliant/dependant (or how ever you want to phrase it so it doesnt start a big debate) to MJ and have been so for years.

I would like to use MJ more responsibly, by which I mean having only 1 smoke a day (probably a batty, small bowl or very small joint)...which is still excessive by most peoples standards. This will be a step in the right direction...ahh I'm getting so mature lol

New job hopefully starts around Feb 15th...tomorrow is the first day of my new MJ sobriety! umm..hurray :confused:

wish me luck
I have to quit for 1 year myself. I used "Herbal Cleanse" 7-10 day full system detox. Can be had at GNC. Also get some drug test strips. I got 6 of em off of Ebay for 10 bucks to check myself, that way i knew when i was clean and can double check when my random test came up. Mines for court, (simple possession, but got a deal for a conditional dismissal, have 6 random tests over the year.) I can't risk popping even a false positive. I have 24 hours to respond with test in hand when they call.

I was a 4-5 joint a day toker. I'm still growin :p
I find if I keep weed around it was much easier for me to quit. Intstead of just thinking...thats it I can't toke and got it all away from me. I found myself cheating when I went out with friends. If I tell myself "Later" I was much more able to stick to it.

Things that happened to me during the first week.
Extremely vivid nightmares
Waking up in the middle of the night with nasuea
believe it or not increased appetite.
Easily frustrated
A ton more energy
Concentration improvment
More pronounced emotional response to things thats positive and negative
my panic attacks came back. :(

Good luck dude...i know it sux.
I can toke 2-3 bong hits a week and stay under the 20ng mark thats what the drug tests pick up ;)
HippyInEngland said:
Strange dreams are on the way Greenguy, so dont be surprised.

Good luck :)



strange indeed... and frighteningly real feeling!
thanx for the support guys! Today has been going smoothly so far...only approx 29 more days to go before its completely out of the system!!!
I am right there with you brutha!

I smoke from morning till night...that said, I have recently (three days ago) just cut it down by 75% by not smoking in the morning/day...

I totally agree with Mutt...it's a lot easier if it isn't forever

I am in the fitness industry and have to maintain my weight and body shape, so when I cut way back, eating became very difficult..I mean like I didn't want to eat at all....

I have a nervous feeling when I get up...I have it for a while but the duration is getting shorter and shorter each day:)

Food tastes waaaay better..you'll see in a few weeks...

dreams are super vivid..(I never had nightmares, just really intense/interesting dreams)

One word of caution...I've quit a few times and have made the mistake on 2 of those occasions to switch to drinking and/or pills to ease the lack of pot..bad move..

I wish you the best and remember..it's not forever..just till you are on track again:)
I've had similar thoughts lately... :hubba:
Glad to see it isn't just me :p
I don't wanna quit.. Maybe just have a little break, see what it's like...
Won't be the first time, so I have an idea of what to expect :doh:

I have trouble sleeping... Long sleepless nights the first few days... :hubba:
That's the only trouble.. glad it doesn't last much...
I've decided to stay off beer and cigarettes too... :eek:

A strange start to 2010...
Lol how mature we all are. i am gonna keep my self dry till the end of the month, Im used to smoking Morning befor work, during work n then after work. Probably have about 5 hours of non stoned a day ussualy.
n yeh prepare for dreams, weird dreams lol. I dont dream when i smoke. when i stop its the most bizzar dreams ever. although i have realised that time during the day does sometimes start to pass a lil faster when your not stoned.
Today is day one of being completly clean.

Gd Luck to us all!! lol.
urine tests are against your rights if not ordered by a court, this is the rule for a large portion of the free world, Americans need to stand up and fight against this illegal invasion of your privacy.
greenguy said:
thanx for the support guys! Today has been going smoothly so far...only approx 29 more days to go before its completely out of the system!!!

With that herbal cleanse you can take it down to 10 days ;) Even without get in a habit of drinking at least 100oz of water per day.
Day one went well...I smoked a few ciggs which is fairly uncommon for myself. Today is day 2 not as a difficult as I remember it being in the past...hopefully that means I am maturing a bit more ;)

Only thing I have really noticed is that I am just a bit bored...tv, videogames these kinda things are alot less appealing, cant "get into" them as much. Also really wanted to smoke this morning to cure my hangover...I am convinced weed is the only thing that cures a hangover. I had more energy and was more talkative when I went out which was good.

I am used to smoking prob like 5 times a day...but have realized I need to be more mature about my smoking if someone drank a beer first thing in the morning or killed a 6 pack throughout the day we would call them an alchoholic and look down on that...
Good luck to all of you. I know you can do it if ya try hard enough. I'll be following in your foot steps soon as I look for employment in a month or 2.
greenguy said:
Day one went well...I smoked a few ciggs which is fairly uncommon for myself. Today is day 2 not as a difficult as I remember it being in the past...hopefully that means I am maturing a bit more ;)

Only thing I have really noticed is that I am just a bit bored...tv, videogames these kinda things are alot less appealing, cant "get into" them as much. Also really wanted to smoke this morning to cure my hangover...I am convinced weed is the only thing that cures a hangover. I had more energy and was more talkative when I went out which was good.

I am used to smoking prob like 5 times a day...but have realized I need to be more mature about my smoking if someone drank a beer first thing in the morning or killed a 6 pack throughout the day we would call them an alchoholic and look down on that...

!. The boredom thing gets better...it doesn't take that long to dig on some new things or rediscover something that you may have lost interest in.

2.I warned you a couple of days ago with my first post but I'll say it again...watch yourself with other chemicals...drinking, cigs, etc..don't shift over to the dark side with those things..it's easy to start drinking more or smoking cigs just to have something to smoke...

I'm speaking from some hard earned experience on that point...

I say these things to you out of care and concern...not judging you AT ALL..not even a little bit...

I only say it because I've been in your shoes......

and I'm rootin' 4 ya:)
when i drink i crave toking like mad...always feels like a 1/2 a buzz :p
So on a plus side for me...drinking has gone down as well without herb.
Thanx for the support fellaz...tonight sux! I went out with friends last night and am still feeling it, a friend really wants me to come to her b day party and go out again but all I wanna do is stay in and smoke a fatty lol

...next month!
CRAZY vivid dreams!!! WOW...loving it!

Hasnt really been tough at all to stay off the weed...I actually hardly think about it! In the past I have tried to quite but have been very unsuccessful but no worries this time, been clean for 10 days now. Approx 1/3rd through my detox!
watch out for the "pink cloud"...

it's awesome to feel that way, but beware..it might not last..if the the pink cloud is gone and things get a little tougher for awhile, don't give up...it will pass..
pink cloud? not sure if I follow...lol do you mean the storm of ***** I've been getting lately lol

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