I am quiting weed tomorrow!

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When I've quit in the past I usually go through like 10 - 14 days of just feelin great..like I shoulda done it sooner..Like quitting is gonna be easy..

then..like two weeks into it, I get bored at the wrong time and all of a sudden a little bit seems not too bad..hey..I've gone two weeks with no probs right...5 days later I'm wakin and bakin again...

This is just my experience...

I can't really stress enough that I hope you sail through it seriously..
greenguy said:
thanx for the support guys! Today has been going smoothly so far...only approx 29 more days to go before its completely out of the system!!!

I wish you the Best on this journey. FYI I have quit though out the years and it took 90 days the last 2 times. 4-6 joints a day med user.


dman1234 it should be that easy.

Best Wishes and Better Days
WOW I cannot stress the dreams and deep sleep enough!!! Crazy vivid!!! I am starting to get afraid that I am going to go into a koma or something lol Deepest sleep I can remember in a long time, the kind where you are dreaming of waking up but cant get yourself to...I dream I live in a beautiful condo but wake up in my crappy house still lol
Been clean for exactly 2 weeks now...no worries, I wont slip I have big plays to make and have to stay clean in the mean time! Weed is so prevelant out here in LA that it seems, I dont know, not nearly as inviting as when I lived in the midwest...almost childish lol look at me getting all high and mighty feeling mature cause I havent smoked in just two weeks lol
I have to clean out myself for a drug test for a new job. I think I have one joint for today and then I am done until my plants finish...hopefully!!

It would be nice to be judged by the quality of my work,instead of the quality of my piss!!! :huh:
U can do it drag!

Update: two weeks clean and just got word that I have been invited for a few awesome interviews! very excited!
I am proud of you green guy!!

I am on meds that cause vivid dreams. I love going to bed each night cuz they are crazy cool. :)
Thank Smokinmom...I will likely be off the weed for another 4-6 weeks, maybe even longer

only time I have REALLY wanted to smoke is in the mornings on the weekend when I am SEVERLY hung over lol other than that I dont think about it...went to one of my fav weed stores today to talk with owner and shoot the **** but honestly wasnt even tempted, even when he was showing off the new vapor pens!!! pretty cool product
I quit 3 days ago, I really do not feel much different. Still forgetful as heck. My wife tells me I am a proffesional pot head. I have been smokin for years. I smoked all the way through high school, and college too. I quit for a few years and then fractured my spine... My brother seen me in agony at the hospital, so he rolled a dubbie and I have been baked ever since. It really helps with nerve pain. I do not do pain medication, or muscle relaxers but the doctor asked me to try this new medicine, it is working a little better than all the other stuff they have given me through the years. So my hat is off to you my friend, I don't feel like I need a joint or anything but it has become more of a habit for me over the last few years. Especially since I found this site!! My grows are much better now. So when can I start to experence thes vivid dreams? I can not remember the last time I even had a dream...
Cant emphasize it more...CRAZY vivid dreams!!!

been 16 days now and going well, wanted to smoke some recently bc of real bad anxiety/stress...but def not going to do so! Got a couple of GREAT interviews lined up in the next couple weeks, if I get one of these it will be a dream come true!!! SO EXCITED!!!

...after I get this job I will have a victory joint that will taste so much sweeter bc I quite for so long (will be approx two months off weed before I can smoke)
Glad to hear its going well for you, I quit smoking for three months to land a job and didn't find it tough at all, except my stomach/digestion problems resurfaced and I lost my appetite and about 20 lbs but no cravings at all. Unless you count thinking, man this cartoon would be so much better if I was high lol.

Good luck man.
lol I hear that...movies, tv not nearly as good...video games pfft wouldnt even think about playing em w/out weed
i've been smoking for 10years now only quit for 20days last year i was very happy after 3-4 days of quitting i started going to the gym working out which helped me alot especially with my lost apetite, since you cannot but feel hungry after a good workout ;) anyway, in a couple of weeks strange thing happened i thought "hey ive done it! i need a joint!" so i went out to my dear old friend who gets the type of weed thats too damn strong i thought if i was gona smoke just a lil bit i better get the best out there, so i smoked one and that was it, the problem for me is i couldnt get myself to make time intervals between smokin, i actually would love to be able to smoke like only when i go out not even every day maybe on the weekend nights and then get back to sober and healthy living. right now i smoke evry day all day, i couldnt say how many joints, i roll the small joints and roll many of them. my main concern is not work or law, it's actually my own health. MJ is not a bad thing if used moderately especially if vaped or ingested occasionally but like MANY things out there invcluding your regular coffee, abuse can be very bad. i'm want to treat MJ like i treat alcohol, i'm an occasional drinker. i believe i'm going to do it soon, thanks to you guys after i read through the thread i feel that it's easier to do :) i have a cousin, he actually is able to do what i wana do. he works from morning to evening every day and goes to the gym very often and is very energetic and he smokes out with me but he smokes occasionally. i dunno how he does it but this guy used to live with his brother who smokes all day long and was blazed all the time then he just quits whenever he wants for years and years. i mean he can spend a month blazed then just quit and next day he's off to work!

thanks for this thread greenguy it really helped me think through my future steps :) i think i can do it, i mean just have to not smoke, i have to not do something :p it does sound easy now lol
I have the same problem and the same goal...I have been clean now for 3 weeks and plan on smoking more sparingly when I start again...

heres a couple thoughts...set rules/boundaries for yourself: no smoking till after dinner, that way you go to work come home then work out then eat dinner and then finally you can smoke. or not untill dark! Also if you set these rules get yourself a calender and for every day you follow the rule mark that box with a big X...that way at the end of the month you can literally see how well you did!
Been off weed for 4 months now, and let me say, holy sh*t I can't wait till I chop this harvest.

Still 6 weeks away, when I ran out the day after Thanksgiving, I said "I will not pay a dime for weed again". Took the money that I normally would of dropped on an ounce, and bought a light, started a grow, and into week 3 of flower some White Russian. It's great to quit for a period man, I have to admit I can not WAIT until I harvest though. And your thoughts on boundries are right on. I started drinking WAY more when I quit, gained weight in beer drinking, generally less fit. IRONIC. I used to get blazed and then work out, I would love to do that, I am somehow more lazy when I do not smoke, certain activities of course. Like my poor dog hasn't had a walk in roughly... four months, haha. Something about walking a dog through the woods is amazing when stoned, the trees, natures, its mind blowingly entertaining.
poor puppy lol

congrats on the grow...do you have pics of that white russian (considering it for my next grow)
been getting a lil ancy resently not gonna lie...have had a couple moments wear I questioned whether I will ever get the job I am trying for and whether I should quit quiting ;) but am going strong and have decided that I will quit untill there is a clear sign that I wont get the job or I will go for upto a year or so if hopes are still high!
I am very proud of all you guys and that amazing will power y'all have. Keep up the great work!
good luck dude...seriously....im quitting for a month...gonna try to make it 2 months until my autos grow out...im just like you...im a heavy smoker...from morning until nite...i have been on probation the last year...i have been cheating my tests with clean piss from a family friend warmed up in a cath. leg bag...its worked for me all year...however...i became eligible for early release...and can get off march 9th...but...i must take one last urinalysis on this date before i am officially released....so....i decided i wanna do it by myself..no leg bag with someone elses piss...mostly to let me know im in control...it does suck...but the reassurance of me doing it for me...is the thing that fills me with pride and the will power....grant it its only been 1 day since i smoked but you gotta start somewhere...dude if you need someone to talk to pm me....im in the same boat...your buddy space
Nice space! be careful though in my experience it takes about 1 month to get clean, you could be cutting it really close! Not to be rude but think back on the fact that to quit for just a year was so damn tough for you that you didnt even attempt it...that may help you smoke more responsibly in the future. Trust me I have been in your shoes...I was on probation for a year and smoked some here and there, enough were I failed 13 tests and missed like 15 lol but I was on for a crazy reason and my officer was cool so she put up with my bull ****! But looking back I was being immature and coulda done it...

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