I germinate the seeds, should I plant now ?

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Jul 21, 2008
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Hello for everybody,

I put two seeds to germinate, and one have germinated.
Should I plant it in earth now ?
The root have about 2cm.
The pictures of the germinated seeds are attached in this thread.

Thanks in advance.



look like ya wait too long, but you still can put the root end down to the soil, leave the seed shell on the top of soil, cover it the with dirt, but keep shell in the visbile, you will see the result within week, be sure you uses mixed soils!!
i say put tap root down cover with 1/4 inch soil and mist soil with h2o and you will be fine..I had some tap roots over an inch long..just meant I needed a 1 1/4 inch hole...good luck keep us poast but most of all KEEP M GREEN
I have put another seed to germinate with this one on 16/Jul, but just this one germinated, I took these seeds from a joint...
It's better I wait or can I throw out it ?
Those tap roots are really long on those... I think papabeach1 hit that right on the head. :aok:
Hello everybody,
See what happened in just one day on the soil.
I don't have a stove, so the plant are just in the vase and with light of sun.
This is my first grow and I dont know what I'm going to do with this plant when it became bigger, because my wife will not release this plant in my apartment.... :(
Thanks for all helps.


not allowed in your apartment?
no offence but...why r u growing if your wife doesnt want you to?you could put it outdoors,depending on where you live,but if your in the states,its too late to finish outdoors.i think it'd be best if you took all fall/winter to learn how to grow,then germed some seeds and started something outdoors come april.itd just make more sense for the situation your in.dont risk your relationship with your wife over some bud plants. hope you can find a place to put it.-peace
I am in doubt, because I don't have experience...
I not even now what specie is this... because I took the seed in a pot.
What is the volume of a stoven ? Can I do a cheap stove by myself ?
can I hide the plant on it ?
Hot_Mary said:
I am in doubt, because I don't have experience...
I not even now what specie is this... because I took the seed in a pot.
What is the volume of a stoven ? Can I do a cheap stove by myself ?
can I hide the plant on it ?

What is all this about a stove? A stove is a cooking appliance and it has nothing to do with growing mj.

You need to go back and reread dad's post--he gave you good advise. You can't possibly think that you can grow in your apartment without your wife finding out do you? You can't possibly think that doing that would be fair to your wife, could you?

There is far more to growing mj than just throwing a bag seed in a container of dirt.
The Hemp Goddess said:
There is far more to growing mj than just throwing a bag seed in a container of dirt.

There is? :confused:

That explains how useless I am at growing :confused2:
Sorry about my English... and about my ignorance.
The "stove" that I mencioned is a Shelf gardening.
Of course that is not fair to grown without my wife permission... she is very nice let me smoking...
I'm thinking to give this plant to a friend that have a lot of experience in growing MJ... but I'll have to transport this plant to another city and this is not safety.
Thanks for all advices !
Oh I forgot....
The Hemp Goddess, I saw one of your advices here in the forum...
I'm reading the Full Marijuana Growing Guide.....
I don't have any experience... I just want to put my pictures here to have some advices.
ok,lol,why would your friend,that knows how to grow,have you start a plant for him,when you know nothing about growing mj.without knowing how to grow..its just not gonna happen.theres alot of different things you need to know about grow mj,if you dont know these things,your gonna be getting one of two worthless things,1..a male...2...a hermie.i cant give you advice on how to grow,your wife said no..no means no my friend.if you wanna grow,grow a tomato plant or something with a lot less maintanance.-peace
I don't have experience to grow, just 13 years on smoke !
But I think that to learn how to grow, I need to start. Even with some bad experiences.
So I'll try to learn with my friend... that have a lot of species.
And about this one that I have planted, after all these advices I think that I'll throw it away !
Of course.... On any moment I disagree with anybody that gives me the advices above.... she leaves me to smoke, and I never hide it from her.
To have a plant, is what I have tried, now I'm living in a apartment, one day she said to me that if we live in a house.... so because that I didn't lose the hope.
And I just think about cultivate my own plant because, the pot that we buy in my country there are a lot of chemicals... like acetone.
Of course that it's imposible to continue with this plant without her permission... she saw the plant today, but like you see in the picture above... she don't have enough knowledge to know that is a MJ, yet.
Ok..... I'm here again.
I planted this plant on 25/07 outside in a farm.
And I just let it under rain (one day per week) and sun (10:30 to 13:00)
I think that the plant are going well, but I don't know from what variety is this plant.
Does anybody knows ?
Thank you
When you say "Under Sun (10:30-13:00)" do you mean the plant gets DIRECT sunlight for just those hours? (10:30am-1pm)

If that's the case, you'll probably want to move it to a place where it recieves more sunlight...A LOT more direct sunlight.

I was growing outside and my plant now has "stunted" growth because it didn't recieve enough DIRECT sunlight. It's like a little migdet plant because it only got about 5 hours of direct sunlight. The rest of the time it got shaded to heavily shaded sunlight.

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