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Just another lover of MJ
Sep 18, 2008
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I'm gonna ask some random questions and would like any and all who feel like replying to do so. These are some issues I feel unclear on.

How does one cool something like a 400w mh/hps lamp? I mean what is needed and why is this necessary or beneficial? Does it relate to grow room temps, or is it more for being able to get the light close to the plants?

What sort of device is needed to test the ph of soil? Can it just be strips? I think I'm pretty knowledgeable about tds/ph meters for hydro setups, but I don't see too much as it pertains to soil.

How do you ph your water? Do you let it sit for a day and add something to it to adjust? Or do you just use distilled water?

Is it absolutely necessary to vent outside? What about just circulating air? What if you're using a carbon filter?

I know, I know... too many questions. I should probably read more, but my head hurts. No weed for weeks = headache and impatience :fid:. Much obliged to all who help. Smoke one for me.:eek:
Budbob cooling a mh lamp is a must if your growing in small spaces. You want to get the lamp as close as possible to the plant(Without burning it). They sell a ph tester for soil and also the test strips for the water.(From my first grow I messed it up with the ph so keep an eye on it) Venting is good for two things keeping the temps down plus bringing in fresh oxygen and venting C02. Hope that helps. Good luck.
i always like keeping ANY home plant near a windo if that's possible. maybe keep it open? it seems to work well with me.
How does one cool something like a 400w mh/hps lamp? I mean what is needed and why is this necessary or beneficial? Does it relate to grow room temps, or is it more for being able to get the light close to the plants?
Both.. cooling the light allows you to get it as close as possible to the plats, which in turn allows more lumens to the plant.Temp's over 90F ingibit growth significantly.
What sort of device is needed to test the ph of soil? Can it just be strips? I think I'm pretty knowledgeable about tds/ph meters for hydro setups, but I don't see too much as it pertains to soil.

How do you ph your water? Do you let it sit for a day and add something to it to adjust? Or do you just use distilled water?
PH is essintial, in soil or hydro. The proper range allows nutrient uptake and utilization, outside the proper range inhibits or totally locks out some nutrients. PH up.. and PH down.. commercial products are the best IMO. An economical alternative is for aquariums.

Is it absolutely necessary to vent outside? What about just circulating air? What if you're using a carbon filter?
Fresh air ciculation, is in my opinion, one of the most often overlooked factors in indoor cultivation. "Fresh" c02 rich air being introduced, and the stale c02 depleted air being removed consistantly is imparative, for healthy virile growth.
tesla said:
. . . . Venting is good for two things keeping the temps down plus bringing in fresh oxygen and venting C02. Hope that helps. Good luck.
That's all good and fine. I understand the concepts well enough. I was mostly concerned about using a carbon filter indoors, ph'ing water, and HOW to vent the light, maybe a link to something would help. Thanks again everyone.

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