Killing the male in a Hermie

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Jan 13, 2011
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Ok i am growing one plant and it turned out to be a hermie and i am using little clippers to cut off the balls to help with seeds but i herd a rumor that you could kill the male in the plant some how so if anyone has herd of this or can make any suggestions let me know thanks.
its a hermie in my grow its placed on the burn pile.
As for just basic nature...nope your stuck with a hermie.

clip the balls all you want...there still will be some pollen spread. Have seen sterile males tho that couldn't pollinate a female successfully so you might get lucky in that regard.
Home_grownman08 said:
Ok i am growing one plant and it turned out to be a hermie and i am using little clippers to cut off the balls to help with seeds but i herd a rumor that you could kill the male in the plant some how so if anyone has herd of this or can make any suggestions let me know thanks.

Throw it out, not sure what you mean by clipping balls to help with seeds, and I dont think you can kill the male in the plant.
you can cut his balls off but they'll just come back somewhere else. if you do get a ton of seeds toss them in the burn pile to
Very pointless. hermaphrodite is something that is built into the genes of the plant. That means any new part will have the same gene. Impossible to kill off the male part in a hermie.
well i know that the male part of the plant will grow back but wont cutting off the balls help with not pollinating the the bud to reduce on the seeds.
some of the pollen sacks you'll never see. they'll come out just enough to spread pollen all over your girls
damn i was hoping that i could help with all of that well thanks you guys will save me time at least.
Just let it finish naturally. You only have one plant so you don't have to worry about it getting to your other girls. The weed will still smoke just as nice, it'll just be like a mex swag bag, full of beans, which you should put down the garbage disposal. No matter what others say, the hermie trait is bad.

If you had other girls in there I would recommend destroying it, but with only one you might as well let it finish. When you harvest, be sure to give the grow area a good scrubbing down, including all the equipment, buckets, walls, floor, everything. Use 2 parts water, 1 part white vinegar. This will make the pollen left in the room non-viable and leave everything shiny and clean. Just spray and wipe.

The next issue is to identify why your plant hermied. What conditons occurred that we would call "stressful" but that the hermie gene sees as optimal to assert itself. Did you have severe nute burn, temps to low or too high, lack of ventilation? Be Capt. Hindsight and think about what could have caused this, and be sure to correct that issue in your next grow.
well thanks everyone for the advice it would be nice not to half to go down there everyday and check up on things so thanks and i will wash it down before next grow so thanks much but what went wrong was i started the seeds in a too hot of soil so when they were little they had some burning there and it was just some bag seed so it could have already been hermi but also i had the light on 24 7 so i was also told that could put stress on them so i think it could be any of these things so let me know your thoughts.
24/7 light for vegging is common....likely bagseed was hermie, why it had seed to begin with!
Home_grownman08 said:
well thanks everyone for the advice it would be nice not to half to go down there everyday and check up on things so thanks and i will wash it down before next grow so thanks much but what went wrong was i started the seeds in a too hot of soil so when they were little they had some burning there and it was just some bag seed so it could have already been hermi but also i had the light on 24 7 so i was also told that could put stress on them so i think it could be any of these things so let me know your thoughts.

24 on is proper for vegging, do not change that. There are many people who will save money, run 18/6 or 20/4, all you're doing is slowing your veg and taking longer to get to the harvest.

Yeah, if it was bagseed it might not have mattered if there was perfect conditions from day one. Buy hey, you got a grow under your belt, you learned some stuff, now order some good genetics and do it up right.

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