Landlord came over!

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growbuddy said:
I realize that I called about the toilet to have it repaired and brought them here, to my house. The reason I HAD to call them was because we had a $475 water bill because of the leaky toilet and I would have had to pay the full amount if I did not report the problem.

This is why he didn't DIY. Still--what were the plants potentially worth fully grown out?

We live we learn. If not, we die.
Diversified said:
Fixing a toilet is a 1/2 hour do-it-yourself job. A lot of landlords will deduct the amounts of the repair from your rent.

Thank you...yes...if u got the gumpshin to grow it is so freakin EZ to repair toilets...of course that depends on your expertise ;) I hope everything goes well for ya's bud.

Good luck!

7greeneyes :D

p.s and yes, I read about the $475.00 bill...sorry...
Saying what he said to you is, in my mind, nothing more than warning you that your grow is pretty smelly. He obviously knew what he was smelling, which most people who don't grow don't know, and he mentioned it to you as a warning to you to make it smell less or you might have problems. If he were a narc type, he would have played innocent, left, called the cops and told them he smelled marijuana in a house or apt at this address. Narcs don't warn anyone of anything. I think he just did you a favor and let you know that you should increase your odor protection. Of course, it's your risk. At least one other person knows you grow weed now. That in itself is enough to tear it down and move. Like someone else said, it would be a wise move on your part to look for a good place to buy.

Good luck man!
All he would have had to do was call his landlord and tell him about the bill and he knew the problem was the toilet, then offer to fix it himself. More then likely, the landlord would have been glad to have him fix it himself. It would have saved the landlord the high cost that the repair man charged.
Well whats done is done! Its up to Growbuddy now and his/her comfort zone.
Like Clint Eastwood would say "Do you feel lucky punk"
Its all up to you now.

Next time you suspect a leaky toilet utilize the water shut off valve,should be located behind your toilet, so you aren't wasting water. Sounds like to me this guy wasn't a snitch or like PieRsquare said he would have went behind your back. Man I wish you would have posted the plumbing problems when you found out about them could have
spared a lot of heart-ache
If the guys coat smelled like Pot from just working in the restroom,,,What the hell does the rest ofthe house smell like?? You must not be exhuasting very well my friend. If his coat smells like weed,,then anyone walking in your house is gonna smell your grow.:confused: Am I right?:hubba:
Since nobody asked, I'll ask..

where are you.. I mean what part of the USA or world?

I've lived all over the US and I can tell you that this scenario plays out differently in SF than it does in Atlanta than it does in New Hampshire...get my drift?

I lve in SF, so if it were me, I would make sure to have all my ducks in a row with respect to security and legality (I have a prescription), fix the odor issue and continue on..

again.. I live in SF... I am legal.... to eah his/her own
I think you did the right thing by cleaning everything out. For future refrence the cops don't need a warrant if your landlord wants to let them enter his house he can. Unless you have something worked out in your lease agreament that he has to give you so many hrs of notice before entering.

It is his (landlords) property, and he can let the cops in with no warrant.

Like everyone else here has sounds like you need to make your grow a little better..carbon filters exhaust to the roof or whatever you have to do to make the grow stealthy.
legalize_freedom said:
For future refrence the cops don't need a warrant if your landlord wants to let them enter his house he can. Unless you have something worked out in your lease agreament that he has to give you so many hrs of notice before entering.

It is his (landlords) property, and he can let the cops in with no warrant.

incredible valuable info LF.

(if you own the place) i'm pretty sure you can't get a warrant over a person smelling something. i think a k9 unit has to confirm to get a warrant because humans don't have a sense of smell like that.
i could be wrong though
Damn growbuddy, Im sure he was obviously throwing it out there that it stinks, but you never know an individuals intentions, he may have been a smoker he may just be a prick, but he knows!!!!! I hope the best for your situation
Wish you the best. My last grow was in my apt. I was on edge every day for 3 months hoping that this would not happen to me!! I'm done growing until I buy a house.
Yeah, I think you all understand the situation.

to the people still wondering why i didn't fix it myself, although it is very easy to fix a toilet. The landlord needed proof that there was a maintenance problem so the repair man needed to fix it and not me. So I would not have to pay $325, (as the bill was $475, but should have been $150.) Also, the bathroom is in the basement and we never used it so we were not aware it was leaking until this outrageous bill came.

My house doesn't even smell (I asked outsiders as they came in.) The basement doesn't smell either. It is just that bathroom that has a slight smell. I already took everything out and there is no cannabis growth evidence, and all smell should dissipate quickly.

Thanks for all of your input, and I do feel much better and have no concerns, rather than keeping them and being worried for the next few months.
Kind of a strange situation because landlords can let cops in, but, you don't have to let a landlord in without 24 hours notice.
Actually, the odor of a controlled substance is probable cause.

Most leases also give the landlord the right to enter a property without notice if he has reason to believe that illegal activities are going on.
Bro, I would have offered to burn one with him right on the spot. Had he accepted, he would be as guilty as you and there wouldn't be a thread here;)

Had he declined, tear it down.

Hindsight is always 20/20:D
I think if he said he smelt it is because he smokes it. Stoners dont usually turn on other stoners unless you screwed him over somehow. And it was just a repair guy probably not buddies with the owner; JMO

Lay low and live to live another day!


Good luck friend!

I would call the landlord..tell them how it went act normal say that it seems fixed guy was professional etc. see if they say anything...go from there..
Well grow buddy, It's been a while and I don't think their busy assembling a S.W.A.T team to come after you. I think your in the clear.

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