Leaves browning

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Well-Known Member
Jan 24, 2007
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im using hydro bubbler, 10gal, 1/4tsp 30-10-10, 400watt mh 16in away, ph5.6 water temp 80-85.rh 55 room temp 80-90, babies are 18 days old (plant 4&6). i saw the leaves yellow last night and i checked again 28hours later and got alot browner. someone had told me the bottom leaves suppose to fall off anyways. is this the meaning of that or something i should worry about? thanks

3-20 browning.JPG

3-22 (4).JPG

3-22 (6).JPG

3-22 (7).JPG

What are you feeding them? What strength? What does the manufacturer suggest?
im giving them 30-10-10, and it suggested 1tsp per gallon (i think) but i'm using 8gal of water in 10gal tote, i was giving them half a teaspoon then one of my plants were gettin neut burn so i changed out half water with plain water and they grew well, i saw the leaf browning 2days b4 i change the water and gave it 1tsp neut. so i figured it cant be neut burn because thats very little neut i gave them and none o the other plant have the same browning.
I see signs of nute burn on each of the plants. You'd be wise to invest in some nutes that are made for MJ.

Try a quarter strength mix for a week and see if it helps.
what nute do u suggest? is 25-10-10 tomato food ok? something i can get at home depot or lowe's. quarter strength meaning quarter of manufacture instruction? so if they say 1tsp per gallon and i have 8gal so does that make it 2tsp? sorry for the stupid question. o and why does some nute say .01-.03-.01 and some say 30-10-15 something like that. some with decimal and some dont.
I would suggest using a nute that is made for MJ. I use General Hydroponics "Flora Series". It works great.

The stuff you're using isn't made for what MJ needs. It's almost impossible to get the right strength.

Maybe someone else here has used regular nutes like that. Lets see if someone else has a suggestion.
hey SB can u please tell me where u get ur nutes at? i wonder if Worm's Way carry GH FloraSeries. i have fox farm big bloom so i'll just need the one for veg stage. can u specify what u use plz, thank you so much
TruTHC said:
hey SB can u please tell me where u get ur nutes at? i wonder if Worm's Way carry GH FloraSeries. i have fox farm big bloom so i'll just need the one for veg stage. can u specify what u use plz, thank you so much
I get mine here:


However, that's not how this brand works. You have to mix all three together in different ratios depending on what stage of growth your plant is in. The plant needs all three nutes. You'd have to set your Fox Farms stuff aside.

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