let's hear your ideas (legalizing)

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May 2, 2008
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so i watched another of those marijuana documentaries last night.. you know the ones, they tell the truth's about MJ, and show how rediculous it is that our plant is outlawed.
shows how great of a plant it actually is (probably the most beneficial plant on earth)

and it bums me out people are still going to jail for it, medical users have to jump through hoops to get it, and the average joe is still considrered a criminal for using it.

we are going in the right direction.. but it baffles me that it's still not legal.
why is that?

how can we get the ball rolling and get this decriminalized/legalized?..
lets hear your input.

i know we all wish and hope it will be, and someday it will (it has to be) but what can we do to make that someday come a little faster?
i feel a discussion will atleast be a good starting point.

we all need to do more, and not just sit back hoping and waiting. (and if you are doing more, tell us how/what so maybe others can aswell)

what do you think we can do?

i hope people actually have and post some good ideas, so this threads actually leads to good discussions, and doesn't go over like a lead balloon.
one of the first things I feel we need to do is educate.

we need to somehow get EVERYBODY to know the truth of it.

if every citizen realized that all their fears of this 'drug' are based on lies and deception. how could it continue to be outlawed?

sure, it's getting more known that the propaganda was based in fiction.. but a lot still believe it can be bad for you. and don't realize all it's medical applications.

it's very hard to get non-users and non-supporters to watch documentaries about the truth, so how do we get the facts to them?
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I had a one on one conversation with my state senator about the mmj topic. His response was that until major medical groups come out with studies supporting the benefits of mmj it was unlikely that the bill currently in commitee would pass. I led him to many studies on that subject. My impression is he is for mmj and he is also a user of marijuana and knows the benefits. I would suggest just keeping up the pressure and recruiting friends and others that are like minded. If they see that more and more people are supporting this cause, they will start to worry about getting reelected should they not support mmj. Keep spreading the word.
I think the tide is turning on educating.
The youth coming up know. Its the older generations that are mainly against.
Just have to keep plugging along at the youth and I feel all will be fine. The older gens I wouldnt even worry about. They are set in their ways, and nobody is changing their mind on anything. (I know Im that way)

how can we get the ball rolling and get this decriminalized/legalized?..
I said it in another post. Users need to be more like those protesters in Iran after the election, or these Anti HealthCare reform people, or those fighting for gay rights. Or any of these other groups that know how to bring the fight with passion, and got "sack" enough to do it.

Except for that 20k person thing in Colorado. I really havent seen anyplace "sack up" go out, and fight for their right. Users are sitting on their butts, typing away using a keyboard as their fight, which only gets the president laughing, As he showed on national TV.
Just sitting back. Allowing the cartels and media to give users a bad name. Instead of standing up and showing the good.
Got a war going on with it. And America isnt the good guy, Mexico isnt, the Cartels sure arnt. Public needs to stand up, be proud, and let the good out. Be the good guy by shouting all the ways it can help. The jobs, the taxes, the lowered cartel killings and kidnappings, saving of natural resources. And everything else.
well, if possible, which is highly doubtful.
i would like to see the issue taken out of the hands of legislation, and put it out as a federal referendum. let the people vote, instead of the politicians who all have their own agendas anyway. see what happens. let the people speak.

i love my dream world, come visit sometime. :)
You know the old saying "the proof is in the puding" ! We have to show them, seeing is believing !
this is a calculated perspective, deduced primarily on common knowledge.

Marijuana will not see legalization for at least 20 years.

Why? Because, if we are patient, and let time run its course, then all the old people in office, and positions that directly affect legalization will be dead. Each new day that passes, OUR generation grows older and more mature, suckling at the tit of despair waiting for OUR chance to relieve those in office!

Death, unfortunately, will bring reform. But not ANY time soon, so save the the bandwidth.

jmo but hey, what do i know.
so sit back and wait?
nah dude.. how many more people will be put in jail or lose their home/job/children/etc in that time until 'we' take control?

thanks for checking this thread out and replying (and i unfortunatly do agree to some extent).. but i wont settle for that.

there must be more we can do (hence why i created this thread.. to atleast get some discussions going, i'm sure we all have idea's, no?)
*i was hoping for a little more interest though :( kinda saddens me that in marijauna passion.. there's only been 15 people look at this thread :(

i don't want to just wait, watch, and hope anymore..
time is relative friend,

And im not sure as to who you are, so i cant make any character judgments, but if you think legalization is in the near future, you are mistaken.

Pollitics are a b!tch so to speak, you have to understand that Nixon/Reagan Heads are gonna be very reluctant to allow marijuana into legislation, let alone legalization.

The phenomenon here is that some one or many, with a fairly accurate level of intelligence, should understand that Cannabis is the safest drug out there.

But, just like the man i work for, there apparently are many DEA era lovin rightwing officials whos power is absolute, well, nearly as we need there votes to pass legislation.

That being said, unless you murder the era of folks who INVENTED,DESPISED and ULTIMATELY trampled the wonderful cannabis plant, then yeah, sure.... its around the corner, lol.
oh i'm not delusional enough to think legalization is close.
and i agree about the politicians.. because to legalize/decriminalize marijuana, is to basically say that they were either;
A) Wrong or B) they've been lying for years.
either option doesn't bode well for re-election. ;)

better to have atleast tried in vain then to have never tried at all though eh?
doing nothing can't get us there any faster.
its moving as fast as it could possibly go. the time frame is relevant, we just gotta sit back and enjoy the ride.

think on that good sir.

If you are doing your part, then that is all you can do, either way it will happen one day, and it will be very intense when it does.
Stoneybud has a post about writing a lettet to the president check it out and write a letter.

rescheduling cannabis from a Schedule I to a Schedule II controlled substance is the start and Rep Barney "mushmouth" Frank has introduced the bill and since there is a majority of Dem's in control then there is a real possibility of change occurring. if you are a U.S. resident then contact your congressman and tell them to support Rep Frank's bill.
Personally, my opinion is that we have asked nicely for long enough. Atleast 50% of people still believe that MJ is not beneficial and should stay outlawed. This could be from LIES they have been told or AGENDAS they are involved in. For atleast the past 40 years people have been ASKING to legalize/decriminalize MJ. I think it is time to stop asking for legalization and just take it. I'm mad as hell at these LIARS/politicians/news agencies. I'm talking North vs. South type battle, let it tear our country (USA in my case) apart, let the real truths be told and stick it to the man. This is about our civil liberties. Did you see what that moron (Rep. to the House aka LAWMAKER) from Georgia said the other day about marijuana users? He thinks that tourture and death sentences are fitting for users. I would LOVE to give him a dose of what he has coming.

PS: I'm not a violent person, just very angry and tired of seeing other people being lied to by the people we should be able to trust the most. These people are lining their pockets and benefiting from prohibition, I want to put a stop to it.

LIARS LIARS LIARS! Ok, I feel a little better.
Write up a local/State prop that calls for the total legalization in your State.
Get a Sitting State Politician to endorse it nd introduce it to your State legislature.
Gather the required signatures needed to place the prop in the upcoming election and let the Voters decide.

AB390 was done just this way, and hopefully we will get to vote on it soon.
If it is put to a vote of citizens, we have it in the bag.

Now, your State has it legalized! If enough States do the same, what can the Feds reallt do? They have to rethink thier actions, as they would have to lock up the entire state.

Baby Steps man, don't try to change the feds view...change the locals view first, then your State, the Feds MUST follow if we go that far.
Not to be political but it seems this thread has turned that way. The people need to demand that the states take back the power from the fed. The fed gov has no right to do most of what they do. It is up to the people to demand that states rights are returned. I can make better decisions for my family and me better than any elected douche bag ever could.
Oh oh....no politics...tsk tsk...
marijuana is becoming a part of our culture and theres no stopping it. period. even people who never thought it would happen are starting to believe. id give it at MOST, 5 years before its legal in the first state. after the other states see how much money cali is gonna make, they will have no choice but to follow. after all, marijuana was first made illegal on a statewide basis. after the majority of states made it illegal the feds followed up with complete prohibition.

fact is, too many people are discovering the truth. its just a plant and thats it. 100 years from now people will be smoking it just like anything else; its wont be a big deal.

for anyone who hasnt seen "the union: the business behind getting high" watch it now! by far the best documentary on weed: very entertaining and informative at the same time.

(not the best quality but enough to get by)

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