Love and the White Widow, Ice, and Purple we got in Toronto

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Ganja Gardener
Feb 23, 2008
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Hey everyone, we just got married, honeymooned in Toronto (where the MJ laws :cop:are a LOT more mellow than they are here) and acquired some seeds. Something called :ignore: "Purple" from the Ceres seed company (which i haven't been able to find any info on :shocked: does anyone out there know the strain or the company?), Ice from Nirvana, and White Widow from Dutch Passion.

:holysheep:We're excited!!! These are our first "real" seeds!!! Just planted the ladies today in our "starter" room which has gutted mylar balloons lining a kitchen cabinet, two 100 watt flourescents, some peat cups that the roots can grow through (makes transplanting them so much easier! You just stick the little peat cup right in whatever you're transplanting it to, when the time comes :cool:), and Miracle Gro Organic Choice Potting Soil. We've had success with this method on bag-seed for starting the plants, so we'll see how it does on our classier broads.

Pictures below of the set-up, and of our last crop, still growing in the Homebox in our bedroom. They're going into flowering week 7, so by the time we're ready to transplant our seedlings (assuming our seeds become seedlings!) the seedlings will be ready to party in the bigger space, which will, by that point, be vacant.

Does this method sound all right to all y'all so far? We had some :doh:heat stress on this flowering crop in the Homebox (which you can see) but otherwise, i'm looking forward to :afroweed:harvest :bong1: and the next generation!!! :guitar:







Sound's l like you guys are celebrating right. What a cool thing to do together, sounds like you have found a good girl. Look forward to seein your grow! keep us posted. Peace and Love!!!!!!
Thanks for all the well-wishes everyone :ccc: but just to clarify, i'm super female! :holysheep: My husband and i grow together, but he works for the "man" in that 9-5 way, and i freelance and take care of our ladies :woohoo: and we are loving this life and plan to keep grooving this way on towards the end of time (and beyond, when we all turn back into stardust :p ). Anyhow, i've got some fruit flies buzzin around my kitchen-cabinet-garden where i planted the seeds they pose any threat?
Hey loves. This morning, my husband and i found out we are the proud parents of 4 new babies!!!:giggle: We planted 9 seeds total---3 purps, 3 white widow, 3 ice. 2 of the WW (white plastic markers below) and 2 of the Ice (blue plastic markers below) were born last night while we slept. We are praying for our other 5 babies (and it slightly concerns me that none of Ceres' Purples have been born yet), but we remain hopeful and vigilant :watchplant:




sounds like a marriage made in cannibas heaven!:hubba:

congrats to U both! my hubby and I have 24 years under our belt.
and token the tree the whole time!:D

ahhh, Love.....:p :heart:

oh, and your girls look so loved! you 2 R good parents!

good luck with the babies!
I'll be pulling up a chair to watch this grow!:watchplant:

thanks so much for sharing with us!:D
The girls in the first pics you posted look downright delicious. I'm thinking your new grow with quality strains is gonna be a really good thing also, so please keep us posted on your progress!
And congrats on getting married too:banana:
I love the hope that's found in planting new seeds and watching that first spark of life burst through the soil. As much as i love the "finished product" and watching the ladies bloom, this very beginning is my favorite stage of indoor farming. We have 6 now. All three white widows, all three ice, none of the purples :confused: WHY purples, WHY have you betrayed us? This is day 4. Is there hope for the unborn yet?






Here are our babies at three weeks veg :farm:

We've had some issues with early die-off, and seeds just not germinating, though we used the same techniques we used with bagseed. Are "purebreds" somehow more finicky than random-bag? Anyhow, we were left with 4 plants...three White Widow, one Ice.

We are currently:ccc: :bongin: blowing through our last harvest!




So, we started flowering on Tuesday on 3 White Widows and 1 Ice. The ice and one of the WW's are definitely female:woohoo:, we're waiting on the other two to show sex, and i cannot express how excited we are to see and taste the results in a few months :yay: :ccc:

Here are some updated pictures of our plants and clones! The flowering plants are in 1/2 gallon pots LOVING the Fox Farm's Happy Frog soil :farm:

We are using peat cups and Happy Frog on our clones, and just saw the first roots today:holysheep: GardenTech Rootone Rooting Hormone powder is really doing the trick on those clones---they're the happiest ones we've seen yet!





hello gmcorp. thought you disappeared. hey, those ww look real nice. so, you vegged for 5 weeks? thats what i did, and am going into 4 weeks flower. happy growing. looking forward to more ww pics soon:) ...
Ha ha, no I didn't disappear. Just been watching the ladies grow and waiting to report the fun changes. My two favorite parts of growing are right when they sprout from the ground (ooooh, creating life!!) and when they get into flowering and i KNOW they are ladies, so i'll be posting more often now...