Mary Jane notes

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Hey what are those white spots
Just had too........................................
Johnny if you don't fking like what the members here have to say than Maybe your in the wrong place. Your plants look sick. With 40yrs experience I would think you wouldn't be having those problems.
Than again since you know so much I'm sure you will get them fixed one of these days.
And I don't give two shits if you think I'm dissing you are not. You haven't even been here a month and your already being a smartass.
Check your attitude at the door or move on.😡
Johnny if you don't fking like what the members here have to say than Maybe your in the wrong place. Your plants look sick. With 40yrs experience I'm not sure how that happened.
Than again since you know so much I'm sure you will get them fixed one of these days.
I sure some of the Older foggies here may have 50 yrs of growth experience too

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