Medicinal Marijuana discussion

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Gone Baby Gone
Jun 14, 2008
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I have a question. I was wandering if anyone would be interested in me beginning a study and documenting it. The study will be the "Use of Marijuana to treat psychological diosorders.

A little background....
My wife is suffering from Bipolar Disorder with Manic Depressive episodes. She has had this since she was young. Over the last 10 years she has gone through several different prescription medications, which by the way are NOT CHEAP. 230 / month is the cost of the latest one. They in my mind are not effective as they should be. There are also several side effects she has to deal with, one being weight Gain.

My idea:

I have been a long time smoker and my wife has accepted this part of my life although she does not smoke herself. I have been trying different strains of high grade pot and examining thier effects on my mood, my functionality, and my overall health. I believe certain strains of MJ could help her more than these "man made" alternatives, with less side effects as well.

My Question:

I plan on pitching her this for a trial period and ask her to go off her prescription stuff and trey MJ to guage its usefullness in treating this disorder. I would like to know if there are people here interested in seeing this study in a "journal" type discussion. We could all do this together type thing......interest?
i think in general the only mental disorders that marijuana helps with is depression, anxiety (and thats not all people) in some people it makes them have more anxiety. just fyi people who smoke marijuana are 10 times more likely to develop schizophrenia, i'm all for the legalization but be careful, you don't want to step foot into unknown territory and end up making it worse for your wife.
I'm with Jeff on this myself. i suffer from depression my self and it does help me alot. i get depressed and i don't want to talk to anyone or see anyone but a joint here and there during the week changes that and I'm talkative and actually happier and just relax like. it could help but becarfull as it isn't for everyone.
well i wouldnt put her in danger but I do believe MJ could help her. An indica strain would probably be beneficial, or a mixture of indica/sativa(more indica i think). For the manic episodes maybe a heavy sativa.

I myself have a long history with ADHD and Pot helps me abundantly and has since I was 15. I was self medicating and didnt even know it.

I think with the right research and atrtempting different things there is a mix of MJ that would help her more than these pills she has to take everyday of her life.

Since I odviously cant pass this by her doctor I was thinking of giving it a shot and closely watch it. Have the meds as a backup......
New_2_Chronic said:
well i wouldnt put her in danger but I do believe MJ could help her. An indica strain would probably be beneficial, or a mixture of indica/sativa(more indica i think). For the manic episodes maybe a heavy sativa.

I myself have a long history with ADHD and Pot helps me abundantly and has since I was 15. I was self medicating and didnt even know it.

I think with the right research and atrtempting different things there is a mix of MJ that would help her more than these pills she has to take everyday of her life.

Since I odviously cant pass this by her doctor I was thinking of giving it a shot and closely watch it. Have the meds as a backup......
Respect and peace to ya! You're a good man, who cares for his wife. My grandmother died recently due to (In my opinion) an overexposure to many, many drugs prescribed to her by her doctor. It does the heart good that at least in this case, that won't be happening.
i have family members who have similar problems and mj does help. You might want to try adding a small amount of mj to her current treatment and adjust that accordingly, if she feels it helps. I recomend not to remove her other meds unless a doc says so. As others have stated mj can cause some problems if you are not careful. I wish you and your wife well.
For mental "Disorders" it is recommended by MY cannabis doctor to use either Sativa heavy hybrids or a 100% Sativa ONLY!!!

It is NOT recommended, even advised against to use ANY kind of Indica in the event of depression. It can actually make it worse.

Now with that said, using Sativa only can lead to mild psychosis from the high levels of THC (paranoia and actually raised anxiety) I recommend moderation. Too much of anything is a bad thing.

I have about 3 pounds of Cinderella - 99 (100% sativa) that I have been smoking for the past month and I really need to switch.....

....because I am slowly loosing my mind....

just remember, Depression...NO INDICA!!! EVER!!!
Thanks for all the info but im a little confused. If a person is depressed i would think that they need a lift, and not a sedative effect. Indicas have a heady, happy high dont they?

I think there are sometimes where she needs a sedative and not a lift, she has spouts of manic episodes.

Based on what Ive read the harvesting cycle can be used to get different effects from the MJ. and I was thinking by trying different strains, and harvesting them at different times maybe there is a combination of Strain and Harvest time that would benifit her.

I dont like what the medications do to her, the side effects can sometimes be painful. Some of her medicine just plain knocks her out and she sleeps for days. this to me is not an effective medicinal treatment. There should be a treatment that helps and still leaves her functional.

I have also read that the prescription medications alter the brains chemistry, and the brain is one of the least understood parts of the body. They have no clue what type of long term effects these drugs will have on the brain. MJ is a natural treatment with little side effects.....Like Kat Williams said "Hungry, Happy,

I am willing to give full time to monitoring her condition and trying different things. I also plan on trying other ingestion methods such as Teas, Bread, and insence....

There has just got to be a better way......She is willing to give it a shot....
jeffca said:
just fyi people who smoke marijuana are 10 times more likely to develop schizophrenia

Wow, Is this true? I've never heard that before.

A friend of mine who I've known since 3rd grade, has developed mental problems over the past few years and we think it may be schizophrenia. It's so sad to see, he is a completely different person now. He's been smoking since he was about 10 or 11 also...
New_2_Chronic, I would definitely be interested in seeing what comes of this. I have dealt with people who have the same disorders, It hurts to see them have to suffer threw not only the disorders themselves, but also the side affects of the prescription drugs.

I don't have any experince with the good strains of MJ, so unfortunately I can't help ya there. I'm stuck with smoking mids, but I plan to start growing.
Bob480 said:
Wow, Is this true? I've never heard that before.

A friend of mine who I've known since 3rd grade, has developed mental problems over the past few years and we think it may be schizophrenia. It's so sad to see, he is a completely different person now. He's been smoking since he was about 10 or 11 also...

that's why i try to not smoke it like everyday. in fact lately i only smoke it like once every couple weeks. it's a lot more fun to smoke it sparingly anyways because you get so much higher.
. just fyi people who smoke marijuana are 10 times more likely to develop schizophrenia,
yea, sometimes myself tell me that..:shocked:
"Indicas have a heady, happy high dont they?"

No. Indica = Down time and couch lock.

"I think there are sometimes where she needs a sedative and not a lift, she has spouts of manic episodes."

Indica will make this problem worse.

"just fyi people who smoke marijuana are 10 times more likely to develop schizophrenia,"

Well, FMI (My Info) I would really like to see the actual study that proves this. If you start to feel "The Fear" than take a week off and clean out your melon...
okay thanks... see thats why i have you people. Sativas would be my best bet then huh?

I plant to order some seeds from the DOC. Can anyone reccomend a strain that I could try this little experiment on?

I smoke 3-4 times a day, sometimes more. I have never had a schizophrenia fit or any indications that this could be the case. The study must refer to only "some" people and there must be some other underlying factors, maybe a genetic gene or something.

If she doesnt want to smoke it as the ingestion method, how else could she ingest it? I have heard of teas being made and other browines and stuff but I was wandering what else I could do. Is smoking it the most effective way or will she get the effects from a Tea?
Look for Subcool's Cannabis tincture recipie. It involves glucose extraction and pill form ingestion with little "Stony" and mostly "Medical" applications.

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