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Well-Known Member
Mar 8, 2014
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I have a tent with seven sq ft a six site drip/dwc 250watt hid setup, carbon air scrubber, I have never grown anything with hydro so I'm lost as far as nuts go and as far as what strain would be a good one to start with.
I hope to do an SOG , right now I am expiermenting with hot peppers , but I think my temps are to low in mid sixties I welcome criticism , if it's going to help me be a better grower is this set up good enough to grow mj with?
Well you need 35,000 lumens for flower in that space but only 21,000 for veg. A 250 is usually good for 28-29,000 lumens. So that will work for veg. The nutrients I swear by and always suggest is General Hydroponics Flora series. It consists of 3 parts and is cheap, easy to use, and gets great results. I buy mine on Amazon and get free 2 day shipping for being a Prime member. jmo
The light is a system that will burn both mh and hps bulbs, the tent is 32x32x63 , I have an inline duct fan and a centrifugal fan with carbon scrubber does the hps have higher lumens? Or do I need to supplement ? The ballasts are kinda costly and I have limited income
Yes HPS puts out superior lumens per watt but it is better used for flower. If you are on a limited budget you could add a couple CFL's in the flower spectrum to try and make up for the 6000 lumens you are short. Or you could try and make your space tighter. Maybe a partition of some sort? Not hitting the lumen per square foot mark is not something that will stop you from growing, it will however stop you from realizing the true potential of your yield and quality of bud. jmo
I am only growing it for personal use but I do want good quality, I have no high expectation of yield if I get 100grams per plant, I'll be tickled to death but I don't expect that on the first go of it what I think I need is a hearty ,forgiving short indica strain that has a high thc content I enjoy the. Couch lock heh heh heh and I don't need to smoke as much to get where I wanna be I did buy a nut solution called bud candy I hope I didn't waste my money, I wish I had found this forum before I bought all this stuff, I woulda got a 400 watt ballast set up instead of the 250 but I was worried about too much heat inside the tent
I don't think you will get anywhere near 100g per plant in that space iff you had a 600w HID. If you had a 400w, you could probably get about 250-400g total for the space. However I am not trying to discourage you, keep going and you will get some bud to smoke and then later when you have more money, buy the 400w HID, or buy a 4x4 tent and a 600w HID if you want to get 16-24oz yields.

But for now, you need to back up a bit and get a few more things. Ffor running hydro or soilless, you will need to buy a pH meter and a TDS meter so that you can properly set up your hydro solutions. Since you already have the bud candy, which is AN product, I recommend that you buy AN base nutes (the bud candy is just an additive for boosting bud yield). You can go with either Sensi grow and bloom, or Jungle Juice(my favorite), or you could go with General Hydroponics' 3part Flora nutes. But you will also need some pH adjuster as well so that you can maintain the pH throughout the life of the plants. Plants in hydro live and die by pH. It is critically important.

I recommend that you buy Hanna pens as they are both reliable and inexpensive. Growing in hydro can seem very complicated but it isn't. It just takes some very specific supplies and very regular maintenance to have solid results. Growing MJ is very easy, but growing good quality smokable buds with decent yields is not at all easy, that is why it is so expensive to buy. Read all you can on it and be patient and you can grow some worthwhile smoke. :)
I am only growing it for personal use but I do want good quality, I have no high expectation of yield if I get 100grams per plant, I'll be tickled to death but I don't expect that on the first go of it what I think I need is a hearty ,forgiving short indica strain that has a high thc content I enjoy the. Couch lock heh heh heh and I don't need to smoke as much to get where I wanna be I did buy a nut solution called bud candy I hope I didn't waste my money, I wish I had found this forum before I bought all this stuff, I woulda got a 400 watt ballast set up instead of the 250 but I was worried about too much heat inside the tent

I love DWC. Do you have 6 sites within a single tote? How large is it? Sometimes what they sell is totally impractical for the use intended. In other words, 6 sites is really a lot for a 32 x 32 tent. I also use General Hydroponics Flora series of nutes. Bud Candy is not a nutrient--it is an additive for later in flowering. You will also need a pH meter, calibration fluids, and pH up and down. PH is critical with hydro.

Like Hushpuppy mentioned, your lighting is not up to minimums. It can be hard to supplement with CFL because the CFLs have to be so close to do any good that they often block the light from the HPS. I would recommend that the 2 months or so that the plants will be vegging that you save your pennies for a 400W. you can get a setup from Amazon with a cool tube for around $150. You are also going to need a centrifuge type fan for air exchange. Do not get a duct fan--it is not meant to be a stand alone fan and will not work with a carbon filter.

A plant that yields 100 grams is quite a large plant. I can guarantee you that you will not be getting 100 grams per plant with your set-up. In fact, I do not know that you could even get 600G in a 32 x 32 tent. If you get 100 grams total with a 250W light, that will be a good yield.

The key to successful growing is knowledge (that means read a lot and ask questions if you have them) and then being able to put that knowledge into action. A successful grow depends on many many factors. So know the biology of the plant and the conditions required for a healthy grow (lighting needs, temps, RH, ppm, pH, air exchange, etc, etc)
Learning is why I joined ,I have a ph tester from my aquariums will that do? If not I can get on amazon I'm sure I have been doing a bit of reading and watching videos, like I said in another thread , I wish I had been here before I shelled out my money for the light set up, I woulda got the 400 yes it is a single tote ten gallon, I'm thinking of putting a long air stone in the res with a fish pump , the fan I got is a heavy duty centrifugal fan with the carbon scrubber , it too was a kit the duct fan was more for creating airflow I read airflow is almost as important as lighting and I know the ph needs to be no higher than 6 6.5'as far as space goes, I was thinking of SOG or the other scrog I have some nylon trellis netting I intended to use for that,so up the wattage, get the nuts right, ph tester, now , what's a good beginner friendly indica strain with a strong couch lock that would be good for me to start with?
Although I have never grown either strain, White Widow and or Northern lights might not be a bad place to start.
Learning is why I joined ,I have a ph tester from my aquariums will that do? If not I can get on amazon I'm sure I have been doing a bit of reading and watching videos, like I said in another thread , I wish I had been here before I shelled out my money for the light set up, I woulda got the 400 yes it is a single tote ten gallon, I'm thinking of putting a long air stone in the res with a fish pump , the fan I got is a heavy duty centrifugal fan with the carbon scrubber , it too was a kit the duct fan was more for creating airflow I read airflow is almost as important as lighting and I know the ph needs to be no higher than 6 6.5'as far as space goes, I was thinking of SOG or the other scrog I have some nylon trellis netting I intended to use for that,so up the wattage, get the nuts right, ph tester, now , what's a good beginner friendly indica strain with a strong couch lock that would be good for me to start with?

I wouldn't put 6 plants in a 10 gal tote. You might want to think about just using 3 (maybe 4) of the spots and block the others off. A 10 gal tote is just not that large and only holds about 6 gal of nute solution. You will have to have an airstone and an air pump if you plan on doing DWC--not an optional thing. I would recommend at least 2 air stones in a 10 gal tote.

For hydro, the pH is going to need to be kept in the 5.8 range. I like to start mine a little lower--around 5.4 or 5.5 and let it climb to about 6.0 so that all nutrients can be uptaken. You want something accurate to check pH--something that will read tenths accurately.

I am not nearly as up on the best indicas. I tend to be a sativa kind of gal. Someone else will chime in on a good indica for you.

I think that I would just run a regular grow the first time out--don't worry about sog or scrog. Learn how the plants grow, get your space dialed in, and then decide whether a sog or a scrog or any other type of growing method would suit you better. Some strains are simply bushy and not good for sog. Conversely some strains tend to growe single colas and are not as good for scrog.

I love DWC, but hydro tends to be pickier. Things you do can have almost immediate effects, so the more you know, the better.
Great stuff I'm learning tons already thank you all