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Your baby plant looks great. Just a little wear on that lower leave. It will be fine. Green mojo to you.
I agree, that plant doesn't appear to have any issues. You will see some leaves look a bit ragged as they age, and as the plant gets bigger, those leaves will shrivel and die as they have used up their usefulness. However, if you begin to notice significant yellowing and burnt look off the tips off the leaves while the rest of the leaf is much darker green, those are a sign of nutrient burn from having too much nutrient in their soil, or having nutrients added before the new roots have had a chance to get set and ready for them.

There are different opinions on when feeding should begin. I allow mine to grow without food until the little round "seed leaves"(also called cotyledons) begin to yellow as they are the food supply for the seedling while its roots are developing and hardening. When those little leaves begin to yellow, that means their job is done and they are used up, and the plant is now ready to begin to be fed with low doses of nutrients.
Thanks for the advice. Could i use miracle grow plant food liquid at a lose doseage
Miracle Grow is really not a good fertilizer to use with marijuana. It really doesn't have what marijuana needs nor the correct proportions. You need different things for different stages of growth--something Miracle Grow doesn't have. It is just a general fertilizer for things like tomatoes. I would suggest getting some nutrients formulated for marijuana like General Hydroponics, Fox, Farm, Advanced Nutrients, etc. When you start out, you do start at lower doses. I would
Most food you can get on line if you don't have a grow shop near you. Amazon is my friend...
Don't over think it or worry over them timothy... Mother nature will work things out for you and the healthiest baby plants are often the one's you leave alone the most (smile).
Looks like the ladies beat me to it :) But yeah Amazon is easy enough. If you can't find what you need, I have several grow stores online that I use, just shout. :)
It ain't broke so don't try an fix it. The healthy coloration on the new growth shows you that it's happy throwing roots and growing new foliage..
Thanks. When do i know ill need nutes an how would i know if its to far gone ?
When that plant becomes rootbound it will get a bit yellowed towards the bottom of the plant.

Being a soil grower (FFhappy Frog has alot of goodies in it for the veg), I don't nute till I flip to bloom. Whenever it looks almost grown into its pot, I transplant it to a bigger one, I resect the root mass back a bit on the bottom and sides of the root ball and feed with a lil dilute B1 to help it through the shock.

Technically speaking, once it starts growing with alternating nodes AND displaying preflowers (some never show), it's ready ready to bloom.

View attachment alternating nodes.jpg
Looks like they got you pretty much squared away. . Wht kind of setup do you have there
How big is your pots? I doubt they are root bound. . They still pretty young still. . There using up there reserve food supply that they sprout up with. . That's why you can wait 2 weeks r so before giving any nutes. . Gran you a good bag of dirt and some good nutes( someone already suggested some for you) and feed them babies right on up.. What kinds of grow space you working with? How many cfl's do you have?
Do you have a space set up to grow them? They are going to need a lot more than the 2 23W lights right away.

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