new and willing lol

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freshman grower
May 11, 2009
Reaction score
Hey guys and chicks,:cool:

im a newbie of course. loves the site a whole gosh darn... lot.
if theres anyone out there that's reliable enough to help
a homegirl out message me of something.

im a first time grower. i have 3 growing in 32oz sonic cups, 2 growing in 44oz sizes. i cut the cups in half so i could get to them better.

Also, i germinated some seeds and 8 sprouted outside, but this damn oklahoma weather is unpredictable lately and its been raining alot, which is bad news, it killed like 5 seedlings that were growing fine! so now im down to 3 babies outside. :eek:

whens the best time to transplant them into bigger containers, so the root system can get more room? or should i just go ahead and transplant them in outside soil since im on a low budget and cant afford to make my own grow room just yet.

ANY tips are well appreciated.
lotta luv stoners;)
:ciao::welcome: To the Only Place

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Love your exuberance. Hick'll come along directly, give you a hand, help you get straightened out. ;)

Welcome, peace and luck.
highlildee said:
Hey guys and chicks,:cool:

im a newbie of course. loves the site a whole gosh darn... lot.
if theres anyone out there that's reliable enough to help
a homegirl out message me of something.

im a first time grower. i have 3 growing in 32oz sonic cups, 2 growing in 44oz sizes. i cut the cups in half so i could get to them better.

Also, i germinated some seeds and 8 sprouted outside, but this damn oklahoma weather is unpredictable lately and its been raining alot, which is bad news, it killed like 5 seedlings that were growing fine! so now im down to 3 babies outside. :eek:

whens the best time to transplant them into bigger containers, so the root system can get more room? or should i just go ahead and transplant them in outside soil since im on a low budget and cant afford to make my own grow room just yet.

ANY tips are well appreciated.
lotta luv stoners;)

Ill help you out..Start up a grow journal and we will come a visit and help when we can..untill then take care and be safe:bolt::bong:
hello and welcome :48:

as 4U said start up a journal and you will get lots of help and advise ,,also put the link in your signature so everyone knows where to find it :peace:
welcome aboard highlildee if ya need help i know everything


some photos would benefit us lots so we can then comment and offer some advice.. i dont understand cutting the containers in half so you can get to them bit and am i correct thinking you actually have 8 in all.

if the soil outside is fertile and not just like dust then so long as the plants are strong looking id plant outdoors in soil now but if they are not strong looking id keep them in pots until they get a bit bigger/stronger and roots are showing from the bottom of the pots.


Welcome to the forums. Its good to see a "neighbor" on board here, (being from Missouri). Tons and tons of good info available on this forum. My head is constantly spinning from all the studying I've been doing lately. Good luck with your grow!!!!