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Dec 14, 2005
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Ok I just started growing again. Last grow I did outside and made ruffly 7,000 grams off 50 plants.
The grow before that I had much much more but we grew it in a corn field and had 5 big ass garbage bags filled up picked during the day left the bags in the field and was going to get em at night and the cops got emm.
I'm new to growing indoors and I am out of money with no job.
But I have 4 plants sprouted and I put them in some soil from outside under the snow and mixed that with some soil I found laying around the house from other plants.
Heres what I got!
Some flood lights that go outside and they are like 65w and really shitty.
But I have grow room that nobody will ever find it isnt even at my house.
Its in a basement and its kinda cold there but I have a space heater.
I got one roll of foil to reflect the light.
I'm tired of being broke and this must work you guys prolly just do it becuase you can and its a hobby i'm doing it becuase there is no jobs and no money.
Also ive got a lil bubbler I made out of a mason jar and a lil cup. filled it up with rocks from a fish tank and a o2 pump from a fish tank.
I need advice here!
The cheapest setups!
Even the cheapest setup under 50$ that can got from walmart.

Heres what I need advice!
and the cheapest setup for 4 plants maybe 4 - 8 under 50 bucks and how do I make a good hydro system and where should I buy the things needed and what are they called and prices!

Just a lil guide pretty much. And I have grown a plant indoors before and I added some miracle grow sticks and the thing grow 11 foot tall and was about 6 foot wide we got like 7 ounces off that one. I dont want a 11 foot tall weed plant, for alot of reason. I would much rather go for 8 plants that are bushy and not so tall.

Please post advice!
If you grew an 11 foot tall plant with miracle grow plant food stakes under floodlights, you're a master grower and there's no advice I can give you.
dam good answer ganga.kid just keep doin what you was doin before.maybe top it while in the veg stage to keep shorter .
I'm a master grower :p I dont know maybe it was beginers luck :p

I dont have miracle grow stakes now.

Heres what I do have.

Miracle Grow Plant food - they are like tons of little pellets you drop in the soil.

Also i'm thinking if I should make the soil like half soil from wal mart and half soil from outside since its all snowy out and I hear the soil would have alot of nitrogen in it. + my neighbors wife grows in her back yard next to my fence. She planted flowers last year that should have only grown about 2 foot tall and the damn things grew higher then the fence. So i'm thinking of getting some soil from around the plants mix it with the miracle grow pellets and some tomatoes and mix that with a bag of soil from wal mart.

Also ive got a spray I made. It's a Vitamine pill humans are supposed to take every morning. I ground 4 pills up to powder and dissolved into water and mixed with water and put them in a spray bottle.

I'm just wondering how a plant would react to a few shots of spray every now and then.

I was also thinking of buying some cool whites from wal mart 3 of them for 5 plants growing in a closet.

Now the closet is pretty small enough room for 5 plants lined up next to each other.

And I have a old bud lite light that is supposed to go over a pool table that fits into the closet perfectly. The walls are covered with alumin foil and there is cardboard behind that to keep it nice and warm carpet on the floor and the plants are on a platform about a foot off the ground. Also I have an o2 machine in there adding o2 8 hours out of everyday.

Right now i'm just thinking of things I could add to make it a super plant monster. Stuff that is free and easy to find. Organic stuff.

They started to sprout today. The weed was pretty much crap to I mean it was ok. its going for 20 bucks for 2.5 grams so use that.

Is there a way to get more THC to grow in the plant well get the plant to make more THC and buds?

Cuase like I said i'm new to indoor growing. everyother time I just took the quad out and planted all over the county. and let them go for 3 to 4 months.
LEt me know any advice would be good.
You need to come up with 1 story and stick with it.
You said in your first post you grew an 11-foot plant indoors with plant food stakes & spotlights (impossible btw) and now you say you've never grown indoor before.

-Only 3 types of light grow pot: Fluorescent (poor), MH (better), HPS (best).
-Human vitamins are worthless for plants. Plants aren't people.
-miracle grow products are shitty.
-You won't grow much pot by planting seeds everywhere and then going back in 3 or 4 months.

Before you do anything else you need to read a grow book.
And quit making stuff up.
i would love to see an 11 foot plant....none the less indoors. i think ganga is the only one here close to having a pic of a plant that big
Well my closet was in a room with cathedral ceiling so I would say it was at least 11 foot tall. and yah aside from that plant ive never grown indoors.

And cool whites work just fine if u have enough.

Plus I would say miracle grow works well if you do it right.

So listen here ok little bitch, you must not be growing or you live in some backwoods town and are used to little shit. Cuase I did have an 11 foot plant and it was still growing when I was busted by my parents cuase the smelled pot all in the house. and the house is pretty much a mansion. It was 11 foot tall like one gaint stem that just kept growing, understand now?

So dont diss miracle grow or vitamine pills cuase i'm doing something your not and I got an 11 foot tall plant, idiot. Instead of being a little bitch you should join the conversation and toss in some input instead of being a little bitch.

Now like I asked before would using outside soil be ok becuase of the nitrogen from the snow?

and a few shots of spray that have alot of vitamins the plant needs would that be good or not? Cuase plants naturally produce vitamins but if it didnt have to you know it would save alot of energy and maybe grow better.

Like I said I am not into growing little rinky dink shrubs. I want gaint insane jack and the beanstalk plants.
Bro you need to drop that fucking attitude if you want help. Besides you're the little bitch that can't keep your story straight.
roflmao..."Caught by my parents"..? Dammit, ehh. Be glad it wasn't the cops and they jailed your parents, confiscated the house and put you in a juvinile facility.

LOL I call bullshit..something tells me that that our buddy MikeJonesWho is probly some little 12 year old punk who doesn't even have hair on his nuts, and he's trying to give us a hard time for calling him out on his RIDICULOUS story(s)

PS MikeJonesWho, don't expect to get much advice from anyone on these forums. We're mostly allergic to assholes.
I grow my weed plants in my basement and it's right next to my living room and my parents can't spell it at all. The only time i have problems is when there hanging and drying in the basement and then only when the door opens and it's always my mom. She can't stand it even when i come in to the house after somking she always says something. like you stink. :)
Adam, you need to tell your parents about your plants. Or else ditch them because you're putting more than yourself at risk when growing. If you're leary about telling the parentals just think, getting grounded is better than being put in jail or having your parents put in jail if you get caught by the leos.
Well, Mike I have to call it like I see it too.

<<I dont want a 11 foot tall weed plant, for alot of reason. I would much rather go for 8 plants that are bushy and not so tall.>>

<<Like I said I am not into growing little rinky dink shrubs. I want gaint insane jack and the beanstalk plants.>>
you forgot the part where he said that he got 7 ounces off of the 11 footer. but was that before or after his parents busted him? Hmmm....
hey mikey dont go anywhere you cracken my ass up .and can someone else inform me on that one i didnt know snow had nitrogen in it i thought it was just acid from pollution now a days . also mikey i think if you are or was getting soil fomr a flower bed i would say you need to read a book or 2 too see that most flowers and shrubs like marijuana need different nutrients . like for instance perentials need alot of acid as for marijuana need alot of npp . which i think if you gave your marijuana that much acid it may have been 11 inchec and died and you are now here to find out what went wrong . cause if i grew a 11 foot plant i would not look this forum up to ask questions . i wouldve looked it up to give answers . so why dont you quit calling my friends names and be honest with your self so we can maybe over look your name calling and childishness.
Well ima just stay outa these conversations and listen cuase ya'll dont wanna give up any tricks.

I started 5 news ones planted in a pot and walla they are already 2 inches tall. i'll post some pictures of my floodlights. ima train them to grow out the shelf they are on and down at an angle. I hope
MikeJonesWho said:
Well ima just stay outa these conversations and listen cuase ya'll dont wanna give up any tricks.

I started 5 news ones planted in a pot and walla they are already 2 inches tall. i'll post some pictures of my floodlights. ima train them to grow out the shelf they are on and down at an angle. I hope

Yeah yeah, train them to grow down with your spotlights.

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