Ther are multiple methods and endless supplies that yu can choose from. If yu can get access to the supplies that yu will need then the next step would be to decide how big yu want yer grow to be. Do yu have a 3mx3m room that yu want to fill and are looking to grow pounds of bud?

or just a small closet and are hoping to grow enough smoke for yerself. This consideration is important as it greatly affects what and how yu do things. If yu just want to grow a couple of plants and yu have a space like a closet or small room that yu can convert to use for growing, then that can be fairly easy to do.
There are some things that yu will have to decide on, and each of these is fairly involved and related to the others.

first is what kind of medium do yu want to use. Some of us here like using soil. If yu want to use soil then yu will need to get the proper soil that will support the needs of the marijuana plant. Yu cant just go out in the yard and scrape up soil and expect it to work well....Others of us like to use soilless medium (also known as hydroponic). If yu go that route then yu will have to decide which soiless medium to use and then determine the nutrients that will support the plant in that medium.

The second thing is directly connected to the first, and that is what kind of supporting system will yu use. This can be as simple as 1-5litre pots or "grow bags" into which yu would put soil and plant yer seeds, then water manually with a handheld watering source... Or if yu want to go the hydro method yu will want to look at the various methods of using "netpots" which will hold the plant in the soilless medium either above the water source as in DWC or in a modified drip system; both will more automate the watering and nutrient delivery, but require a different set of supplies and specialized nutrients (that can get pricey the bigger yu make yer grow).

The third consideration is your source of light for yer grow. This can get very involved and expensive depending on how big yer grow is. MJ is very sensitive to the light that yu supply it. The least expensive light source is the sun, but if yu don't plan on growing outside (as yu said earlier due to the heat where yu live) then yu will need to consider a few options...
Yu can purchase autoflowering plants that will only need light for vegetative growth.
Or (since yu already have some seeds that are not autoflowering) then yu will need a light source that will support yer plant during both the veg stage and during the flowering stage. This is where it can get real involved as most of us here have really gotten into the nuts and bolts of growing under very specific conditions...
If yu are wanting to just grow some smoke then yu can buy 1 600watt High pressure sodium lamp and fixture. This can be connected to a timer so that yu can control the on and off times to simulate day and night for the plant. Or yu can get more involved (which will improve yer yeild) and start out with either Metal Halide lamp (in the same fixture if the ballast supports it), or yu can start with Flourescent lighting and finish with HPS, or yu can run flourescent from beginning to finish. For any of these yu must look carefully into the particulars of using them effectively and safely.

Finally, yu come full circle back to yer growspace...
Here yu will need to determine the area that is to be lighted as this directly affects how much light yu must have, (yu can't hang one 600w hps in a 10'x10' room and expect it to work well for growing 20 plants)...
yu will have to consider the height of yer space and how tall yer plants will grow...
Yu will have to look at supplying enough electricity to the space to support the lights, fans, pumps, exaust fans, timers, etc...
Yu will have to look at getting supplies and water to yer grow while at the same time making sure that all light is either contained within the growspace for the plants or blocked out of the growspace for the flowering cycle...
Yu will have to consider the amount of ventilation that yu need for yer growspace as both the plants and the lights need lots of fresh air. Ventilation of heated air from the lighting is a must as the HID lighting gets quite hot (as does the CFL). This air will have to be removed and either exausted out of yer house entirely or returned to yer AC system to be cooled.

If this seems like a lot to consider, it is, and it can get a lot more involved from there. (I'm not trying to scare yu as it can be fairly simple too) Yu just have to look at it carefully and become as informed as yu can be in the direction yu want to go. I say this so that yu don't waste a lot of time, money and energy and end up disapointed.

Good luck and good grow mojo