oneness with...

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Green Jerry
Sep 20, 2008
Reaction score
OK I am high…I just smoked a good amount of some dank smoke…then I thought that I would meditate, something I have not done in about a year. I sat on the floor legs crossed, hand palms up, eyes closed and body center. WOW! What an feeling I had…I felt one with the my breath as I breathed in with my nose and out with my mouth…I feel at peace with my life and at center with my soul…all I have to say IS WOW!
You didnt meditate for long then :rofl:

Ive not meditated for a long time, where did you visit?
Awesome man, I know just what you're feeling!

Try to see if you can simulate the feeling when you're sober.. it's a great way to pull away from daily stresses.

Ever try witting in a journal while high like that?

Some stretching, and breathing exercises are such a great way to start/end the day!
The world would be such a nicer place if EVERYONE took a few minutes a WEEK and did this.
No, meditation is usually quieting the mind (breathing exercises often help with this).. while fantasizing is focusing your thoughts (lying in a position where you can't fall asleep, like on your back, before sleep, often helps with this).
ohh I love meditated by nice dank buds.. If I has lot of canned of that...

that would be lovely.. and nice place to be chilled how was the munchies

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