Opinions on vaporizers

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Jan 8, 2013
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Hi there,

My name is Sally, and I am a researcher from the University of New South Wales, Australia. Some colleagues and I are conducting a study looking at the experiences of people who have used a cannabis vaporizer. We are looking for people who have used a vaporizer for cannabis in the past six months to complete an anonymous, 15-minute online survey to let us know about their experiences. Findings of the survey will be used to make recommendations about vaporizer use by people who use cannabis.

If you can assist personally or pass this message on to someone who can, it would be greatly appreciated.

The survey can be accessed directly from the link below.


Thank you,
i've got an aroma classic, works ok, but i prefer bonghits.
Hey jaam, good to see you by the way, i will put my Extreme Q up against your volcano any day. I love the extreme q, but to be fair, i have never used a valcano. I have a new one..the solo. love it too.
I have an Extreme Q that I really like. I bought one for my buddy last year for his birthday and he liked it so much he bought me one (LOL--knowing that I could not afford one for myself--isn't that just the best of buddies?). I could not afford the Volcano. JAAM what made you decide on a Volcano? Rose, I will have to talk to you about the Solo--my buddy has another b-day coming up and he is so hard to buy for.
THG Ive had my volcano now for around 3 years.... the Extreme was just coming out when I sprung for my volcano... Im fairly sure the extreme was like $300 when i picked up my volcano... I decided on the Volcano bc that was the only vaporizer I ever used that really seemed to work properly... Tried several crappy hotboxes with a whip and they all tasted like ****... also there were no reviews of the extreme at the time so... Im pretty the extreme uses the same valve + bag system as the ez valve for the vocano but I personally like the solid valve much better then the eazy valve setup...
i dream of having an extreme Q but i have the digi e-z- vap it works good i would just like the more precise temp settings of the extreme Q can't wait till i can get me one.
Hey you only apes vape:hubba: :p ive told you tobacco and weed in a joint is the future:D
multifarious said:
after using an "Extreme Q" and "Solo" during the holidays with friends, I decided to buy an "Extreme Q" myself, an ebay bargain :D
I'll be buying a portable vape soon with the "DaVinchi" currently at the top of my wish list.
While I thoroughly enjoyed using the "Solo" and found it to be a very effective and a well built unit I think the "DaVinci" will suit my needs better than the glass stemmed "Solo"

I just looked at your da invinci, it looks like it might be a lot messier then the solo. I am not trying to talk you into the solo as i have only had mine a few days, but the glass is strong and I am glad it comes with two stems. One more thing and I will hush is Arizer is a dream to order parts from, they come fast here anyway, and always have a freebie in the package.
If you end up with the devinci let us know how it works.
multifarious i got a question i wan to ask about the extreme Q when using the whip is the herb loaded in the whip or is it loaded in the machine i don't like loading the machine as it tends to waste the bud i like being able to remove it after eash use, i did look it up online but notthing spacific on that yet i am wanting one that loads simular to Da Buddah has anyone here tryed the Da Bahhah. or the vapofection vapo2
i have read some great reviews on Da Budda, I have Da Budda on my have to get list, with the vaporfection vapo2 they are the two i am looking at more they the others. The Extreme Q is what i want but the others sound just as good
I looked seriously at Da Budda when I was deciding on a vaporizer. The only reason that I went with the Extreme Q was that we had several members who had one and loved it.
I own a DBV and have used a buddies volcano. The volcano wins, hands down. The DBV is harsh even through my bong. Plus the plant material goes a lot further in the volcano. I haven't touched my DBV in a long time tbh. Its all erl these days;)
Very interesting Multi. My temp is 383 F. I don't like the bags, I just use the whip. I have smoked maybe a handful of joints in the year since i got the extreme Q. I even did a little oil in my new solo last night. woa.
So regardless of flavour are you going to eat spam instead of fillet steak Multi.
Its all about taste you have it or you do not.
I have and i smoke cigs.
I have the Digital Extreme,,works likes its supposed to,,and have smoked from the Volcanno.Didnt care that much for eather one,
I will stick to my Bong and my Joints.
multifarious said:

Google, or YouTube this: "vape critic gf's review"

I "know" you'll enjoy the view even if you don't like the review :p

I've enjoyed watching many of the "vape critics" reviews, hints, tips and tricks, check the dude out on YouTube or at thevapecritic.com

she had a good point on the volcano and a nice looking set of boobs thanks for shareing
Check out the Pax portable vape. Got to try it today and it fuggin rox my socks. I think I'm gonna get a lot of use out of this. :D

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