Premature ripening?

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Ganja Grower
Jul 28, 2007
Reaction score
Is it possible to do something to induce an MJ plant to ripen way ahead of schedule? Even say, 43 day full signs of peak potency when the strain was supposed to be 60day?
Simple answer.


The only way to harvest earlier is to put the plant into flower earlier.

A plant matures for a set period of time, if you cut it 2.5 weeks early, it will be so immature you may as well not have grown it because the trichomes will give you no effect.

Here's the deal. I was given some clones and told half were Purple Kush and half were Stinky pink. I have never seen either of these in a budding state, so the lack of labeling kinda sucked. I put one of each in flower almost right away so i could get a look at the flowers asap. Thing is, at around day 38 signs of maturity started showing (Trikes fully formed, getting milky, hairs dieing, seed pods swelling) and came on like a frieght train. By day 43 trikes were 20% amber and buds looked really nice and juicy. I cut it down and gave it a quick 4day dry. Smoked it tonight and all is well, nice strong clear high. Great smooth smoke for a quick dry(tho laking any real distinctive flavor). PK and Stinky pink i read are both 60day flowers, and besides, 43dys and there done? I am and have been for several years sure there is noway to shorten flowering time purposefully. But i seem to recall somthing about some type of plants that will ripen fruits prematurely if a certain negative element or desease was present? Idk, but, the dang thing got ripe in 43dyas after 8day veg.
Is it possible they came from a genetically flawed line? Maybe they were stressed from the quick planting and transfer into flowering? I would say as long as the bud weight is good, if they matured that quickly, take a clone from it to keep it alive... 45 days is really fast... lol
Well I now believe it is the strain. Girls coming in two weeks behind the one that ripened in 43 days are set for doing the same. Damn, 43 days? only one Ive heard of close to that is the Top44 strain. I havnt had any expeirience with that one either so I'll be looking it up after this. I'll do my best to get a pic small enough and clear enough to post. I cant tell you how many pix Ive left on the editing room floor that I took to post on this beloved web site. Maybe even a journal on an up coming set of them. Anyone know of and/or grown any early girls that ripe that fast?

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