Recommendation on Fan/wind??

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Green thumb in training
Jun 15, 2007
Reaction score
setting up a 1st time grow room.

Kit/light/seeds not here yet.

But will be going to Home Depot for some things like
Drain pan, Tarp and a fan.

My question is:

How much WIND does MJ need in a inside grow room??
SHould I source out the biggest baddest fan I can find??
and Try to create a tornado??(joke)

Or is a 12" osccilating(sp) fan sufficient??

Also, should the fan be on 24 hours a day??
Or only when the lights are on??

I only plan on growing 6 plants at a time.
I would think a 12" oscillating fan should be suffecient. As far as how much you should leave it on, thats really up to you. But, I think it would make even more of a difference to leave it all the time.
yea man iam planning to leavite my fan on 24/7 cause for 1 i think it wont cost alot and 2 i dont wont temps dropin and raisin every 12 it prob will cause to much STREESSSSS!!!!
Yep, I'd leave the fan on 24/7. Keep that air moving. You'll have less mould problems.
plus the fan blowing on ur plants 24/7 would help ur plant(s) develop strong sturdy stems
I don't have mind blowing on my Girls, Mine 2 6 inch are around the bottom blowing on the pots it self and pushing the air up but not blowing the leaves around, and fans comes on at night time to push the air around.
My cooler set up does blow the leaves around during the lite cycl.