Riddle me this............

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I have four legs, but only one foot. I have three feet but am unable to walk.
The answer is on the tip of my tongue... :shocked:
Anyway, I want you guys to help me with this one.

Many things can create one, it can be of any shape or size, it is created for various reasons, and it can shrink or grow with time. What is it?
I'm pretty sure the answer is not something physical.... That would make too much sense.
It could be a shadow... but... only light can create them. That's not really alot of things.

sorry I don't finish some of my sentences... I'm just kinda thinking.
True, it probably means like... the sun, lamps, or all lights in general.

great answer guys......i think a bed and idea work nicely.

now i'm unmotivated to continue to solve either LOL they both make good sense to me LOl

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