Rooting gel

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One Toke Over The Line
Bud of the Month Winner
Jan 18, 2020
Reaction score
Here, been banned everywhere else
I have lost my touch on clones. Frustrated with my results the last few attempts at cloning. Thinking my rooting solution has gone bad. I started 24 cuts 19 days ago and so far only 2 have shown roots. W T F.... Doing it the same way for years...Dome, t-5 lights, heat mat like always.

Looked healthy but now starting to eat themselves up.... I use either Hormex or Clones and have always had about an 80% success rate.

Ant idea on what is going on....
I've really never had a problem cloning with or without the powder or gel. Not sure what the hell could be going on. I'm guessing maybe the gel is bad and his prohibiting the cloning or something. Very weird especially with someone like you who has done it so many times.
I have lost my touch on clones. Frustrated with my results the last few attempts at cloning. Thinking my rooting solution has gone bad. I started 24 cuts 19 days ago and so far only 2 have shown roots. W T F.... Doing it the same way for years...Dome, t-5 lights, heat mat like always.

Looked healthy but now starting to eat themselves up.... I use either Hormex or Clones and have always had about an 80% success rate.

Ant idea on what is going on....
How old is the gel and have you kept it refrig?
I notice if it is older than 2 yrs and has changed color it will be most likely bad and lost the rooting Harmones needed to do its job.

Depends on how you kept it and how you used it.

If kept in the fridge, it will keep quite a long time. My Clonex is well over 2 years old and still good. I had some stored in a cabinet go bad pretty quick, less than a year. This was before I learned about keeping it in the fridge.

If you didn't dip any clones into the main bottle and contaminate it. I pour just what I need for clones in a small bottle. A shot glass will work well also. Dump it when done, so you don't contaminate the main bottle. Another lesson learned the hard way.
I keep it in the fridge, about a year old. I take it out of the fridge into a shot glass, let it warm up a bit, take the cut, dip in in the solution for 5 to 7seconds and place it into rock wool cube.
The dome has a heat mat placed under the dome keeping the cube at 80f. Just like I have done forever.... nothing has changed except the results.
I was always told not to put it back in jar when done always use fresh.
Some Plants do not like to be Cloned, have you cloned this one before?
I keep it in the fridge, about a year old. I take it out of the fridge into a shot glass, let it warm up a bit, take the cut, dip in in the solution for 5 to 7seconds and place it into rock wool cube.
The dome has a heat mat placed under the dome keeping the cube at 80f. Just like I have done forever.... nothing has changed except the results.
Have you been trimming the big leaves down ?
I cant imagine it being something Pute is doing differently. If the gel is bad maybe its clogging up where the roots come out.
Rock wool typically has a pretty high pH out of the bag. I am sure you know this(and soak it in pH’ed water to neutralize it)but maybe this batch of rock wool is different than what you are used to.

Could be the rock wool has a TDS/Orangeman bad issue too… ;)
Rock wool typically has a pretty high pH out of the bag. I am sure you know this(and soak it in pH’ed water to neutralize it)but maybe this batch of rock wool is different than what you are used to.

Could be the rock wool has a TDS/Orangeman bad issue too… ;)
I was thinking along the same lines PH the wool
CocoCoir is notorious for this

The PH could be the problem. My friend at the grow store said to use tap water. He said the chlorine helps with pathogens. I have done this with success before. I might go bsck to r/o water next time.

These should be showing roots......damit.
View attachment 315425

The PH could be the problem. My friend at the grow store said to use tap water. He said the chlorine helps with pathogens. I have done this with success before. I might go bsck to r/o water next time.

These should be showing roots......damit.
Instead of tap water i would use Hydrogen Peroxide to kill pathagens.
Could the stems use a fresh cut at this point. I have had clone cuts look ‘ok’ but not root and if I pull them out of the medium, the stems look brown where my 45 degree cut was. Not sure I have tried putting a fresh cut on the stem though but it might work.