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Very grouchy and ornery today…
May 12, 2014
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so i am getting ready to clean up after my recent harvest and i normally throw the root balls into the woods and crush it up good so it wont be recognized as anything but i got a mild buzz on and wondered if people do anything with their roots. i found some articles lauding roots as an ingredient in a salve. some saying teas, some powder and some juiced. some say there is no cbd in them. some articles say there is a store of cbd. it appears to have been a mainstay in some ancient and not-so-ancient remedies. anyone here have any experience? thanks... of8.
I have not ever used them, maybe you should and report bout that?
i will do that, rose. hopefully it will be a)positive and b)helpful for others. i have rec'd so much help from this forum, i hope i can give back.

i have 4 root balls that i think i am going to work on tomorrow instead of tasks which mrs fogey would consider importnant... ;)
What will you do with them? I wonder if they would be beneficial in lotions... hmm
First I need to clean the root ball. That might decide it right there, depending on how my patience is... :/
The roots of many herbs and plants are beneficial. Let us know how it goes.
sorry. due to circumstances beyond my control, i need to start this project next week. too many brownies for the old fogey this week...
i let everything dry brittle in an open bin then everything becomes powder and i crush it and throw it with regular garbage. i have a roof greenhouse full or veggies that i just throw all leftovers from the roof into the garden and every now and then it gets spread around. there must me some nutritional value from roots but i doubt that they will have any psychoactive effects, but why not try. i found DWC roots to be thick and carrot like. if i were to make edible roots, i'd try that. growrock roots are like thin and tough hairs, i imagine they would need a lot of boiling or a presto cooker to make them well enough to chew on. I will wait for your report when you try it, hope it goes well
I am actually not going for the psychoactive compounds, zem. I am hoping for the analgesic compounds. I get too stoned off my brownies already...
fun fact #1 - taking apart the root ball you can find distinct zones where the plant was transplanted to larger pots. in my case that was 4 zones, 1 of which i threw away because it had the foam thing i used to clone them in.

fun fact #2 - if this does not work well or maybe even really well, this is not going to be something i try again. what a pain in the rump. your results may vary if you grow in something other than soil...
slow cookered the root balls for about 24 hours. filtered the 'tea' thru a coffee filter and drank a quarter cup. going to see it i feel anything...

i am going to dry to roots now and grind them up to see if the powder does anything as well. this is all very unscientific. i didn't weigh the root balls or measure the amoutn of water i slow cooked in. i do know i am going to be getting more than my fair share of dirt though...
You mean you have had your daily requirement for soil? lol.... I am glad you are doing this so I don't have to.
lol... after waiting an hour, i broke down and ate a brownie. dr. fogey found that a quarter cup of dirt-based tea had no effect on the fogey test subject...
Found much humor in this experiment! Did you ever get to the "salve" part of the experiment?
I have not yet, DD. I know keef was posting about making a salve. How do I make it? My hope was to get something akin to aspirin from the roots but they were not dry enough to grind up yet. If my aspirin aspirations fall thru I will be going the root salve route. If you have a recipe though I will give it a go. Thanks.
the roots experiment was a failure. i tried a teaspoon of the ground roots. nothing. i tried a tablespoon and still nothing. tastes awful. i am not going to continue...
Fogey its good, at least u tried amd thank u for letting us know the results. Wish u the best of luck in your future experiments
i found my bag of ground up root powder a few weeks ago. i thought mrs fogey had tossed the bag. i recently purchased some capsules and a capsule filling rig so i could make hawthorne powder caps for my blood pressure so i decided i would try to make some cannabis root powder caps. i tried 4 the other day (0 size capsules) because i was achey and i went to work. about a half hour into working i found i had a low background buzz going. i felt relaxed and talkative and was pretty pain free. so i am thinking my original impression was maybe a bit premature. it is not strong medicine but i think it is going to become part of my daily routine for work. i could not function with a brownie or smoke buzz but this low frequency back ground buzz is a pleasant surprise.
Looks like you stumbled onto the "Ancient Chinese Secret" OF.....I did find it humorous that you drank mud pie water :rofl:

Your the man in my book, rock on brother !

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