sand in soil?

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Ganja Grower
Jul 28, 2007
Reaction score
Any soil growers out there ever tried adding sand to the bottom portion of your soil mix to help with keeping the drain and drying "even"? I know the bottom of my pots always stay moist even if the top has already dried. What kind of sand could I use if I did this?
mndovrmtr420 said:
Any soil growers out there ever tried adding sand to the bottom portion of your soil mix to help with keeping the drain and drying "even"? I know the bottom of my pots always stay moist even if the top has already dried. What kind of sand could I use if I did this?
IMHO,I dont like to use sand or sand based soil.The main reason I didnt like it was thae soil always tightened up to much,got kind of hard.Which I dont like.But everyone has there own type of soil that they like.Keep it GREEN:hubba:
I use Silver sand in my soil mix ( the entire pot mixture ). Its very fine, washed and is superb for drainage. I usually add the same ammount of perlite as sand. Grow on !!!!!
When I was using sand it seemed to keep the soil to moist. I didnt want to risk it, so I went out and got some miracle grow potting soil with peat moss in it. Now I dont believe the miracle grow soil has enough ferts in it, but I am keeping a close eye on that.